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graduation things

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Alright. Graduation things, here we go. 

I made my mom promise me we wouldn't have a "thing" for my graduation because I'm not really a "thing" person. So, she just got me this cake and we ate it during Sunday dinner. 

Trixie was there being cute, per usual. 

This was my last day of school. (Or more importantly my last day at BYU.) The rainbow roses Jake ordered me came in the morning and they were just as wonderful as I always dreamt they would be. I've waited a long time for these suckers, kids. WORTH IT. I then enjoyed an açaí bowl and stared at my roses the whole time. It was the perfect morning. 

My v nice brother-in-law tipped me off that Kneaders was giving away free cake to BYU graduates! So, natually we went there. The guy working was super nice and gave me two pieces. A car picnic ensued. 

I can't even get over these rainbow roses. I'm definitely drying these chesters and keeping them forever. 

We took a few pictures just for memory's sake. I had to take some "normal" ones for my mother (you know how it is) but this one is my favorite and will be the one I display and show to my children.

In closing, I'm mainly just really glad I completed my goal of graduating college in 2 1/2 years! It wasn't the easiest thing, but it wasn't the hardest either.

I also feel the need to thank people. So, thanks to my bb bacon for working so I could just focus on school and take 18 credit semesters. I couldn't have done it without him! Thanks to my mother for helping me out with my first year and for letting us live in her house for my last. A very special thanks to my grandma for listening to all of my BYU rants and validating my emotions. And thanks to the rest of family for being nice, supportive, and caring about my life and education goals. Thanks to everyone who gave me a graduation gift. And lastly, thanks to BYU for admitting me and letting me receive a college education! 

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18 comments on "graduation things"
  1. ohmygoodness those roses are AMAZING! Like I generally say that I think roses are pretty lame, but man. If I got THOSE roses, I would die of happiness! Where do you order them from?

    Also, happy graduation and cute insta pic :)

    1. A website! They have all sorts of flowers. I think it's just, but if you googled it I'm sure it would pop up. Happy flower shopping! :)

  2. Congratulations again!!! What an accomplishment!

  3. congrats! A+++++ photos, as always. hooray for life accomplishments!

  4. Congratulations! It's such a good feeling to be done with school! You're pretty awesome for doing it so fast!

  5. Congratulations! Those roses are stunning, and the picture on your insta is my favorite.


  7. Haha! I sense you have a love-hate relationship with byu?
    Well at least you are done now! Which is really something to be proud of. And now you're on to better things.
