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from the iPhone

Thursday, January 1, 2015
I don't know why, but if there are ever more than like, 100 pictures on my iPhone I feel so disorganized until I transfer them all to my computer and put them in their respective folders.

I love putting my fisheye lens up to my iPhone. 

Study breaks with Trixie.

I made a study spot on the floor and Trixie was like, so confused as to why I was laying on the floor and she was laying on the couch. Also, it's important to note I fell asleep studying right after this picture was taken and lost like 4 hours of precious study time.

Living in leggings, eating easy food on the Christmas plate we made at Color Me Mine. Pretty much the basics of finals week, right?

I got Trixie doggie bacon and she gets like, so excited every time I give her a piece.

The view of BYU after I finished the last final that actually mattered. So yay! 

But then we had to stay in Provo all day. Like, for 12 hours... So, obviously we got Provo Bakery donuts for date #6 to make the day better. 

Date #7: We never got around to trying the Cronuts in New York, but the one's at Bianca's French Bakery in Orem are prettttttty delish.

Date #8: I love how most of our dates were food. Chocolate chip bagels and orange juice… A must!

My birthday cake! I'm glad I finally had an excuse to make a rainbow cake. 

Date #9: The most delicious raspberry cream cheese croissant from Kneader's and looking at Christmas lights. We happened upon a dancing lights house! It was so perfect. Jake had never seen one before!

I will never have too many pictures of my dog.

It snowed one morning on my way home from work and the temple looked so so pretty with all the frosted trees. Also, this is what laying in bed all day will do to your topknot. I swear, Jake will braid my hair in like the tighest, most perfect braids and every morning when I wake up my hair is so crazy. A part of me wonders what I do when I'm sleeping to wreck it so hard.

Lastly, my constellation mug! The constellations light up when you pour hot liquid in it. I can't even express my love for it. Morning cocoa has never been so enjoyable.

22 comments on "from the iPhone"
  1. I love the constellation mug & I also now wonder what you do while asleep to get your hair like that!

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. I've never been to the Provo bakery before & now I feel like I have to go. Like right now. Starting the new year off right yknow?

    1. WHAT. You must go. Jake honestly believes they have the best donuts out of everywhere. Start your new year off right!

  3. Bed head woes, I know them well. Constellation mug=dying!

  4. My fave is: bacon. Bed head. Thee end. xx

  5. Oh my, I NEED that mug. I think I have a bit of an obsession with them haha. I could be obsessed with worse things though, right?

    1. Right! Get one, I linked to it so we can be twins :)

  6. OK, I'm in!!! Your pix are fab??? Are you in provo?? I was raised in West bountiful, now in CA but have a place in Eden. LOVE Utah (part time, that is!) :)) Kimi

    1. We used to be there, but we've been in American Fork since June. Going to school in Provo though. :)

  7. Amazing pictures, so beautiful. I have over 6000 unorganised photos on my phone, really need to get onto that.

    1. holy cow!! that would give me such anxiety hahaha.

  8. Trixie!!!! I miss her already..


  9. food dates are the best dates because the best bonding happens over food. esp provo bakery donuts. get it girl.
