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a happy list: 48

Monday, January 19, 2015

I made a makeshift studio, so here's some awkward family photos from when we were playing with lighting.

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Drinking cocoa by the window and watching the rainy sunrise / Scaring Jake by camoflauging as part of the bed fort and ripping a blanket off myself while he was brushing his teeth and watching Trixie hahaha / An old man complimenting my braid / My birth control being 8 cheaper and also having an amazing experience at my new pharmacy / Finally finding feijoas / The divino dessert pizza from Pizzeria Limone / In Free Birds when the nut and bolt bounces into his eye haha! / Mochi (so good, always) / Jake pampering me / Seeing the old man who lives across the street standing by his garage door, holding his chihuahua over his shoulder like a baby

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Funny things people have said…

Jake: (to the tune of I'm A Little Teapot) "Tikky tikky tikky tikky tout, you are a Trixie firm and stout!"

(We sing to Trixie all the time. Usually it's songs that already exist, and we just put her name into it. My personal favorite is the "Could it be, could it be Christine?" from Phantom of the Opera. Except I always sing "Could it be, could it be Trixie?" like at least once a day. I LOVE DOGS.)

14-year-old-girl at my work: "Do you have a Tumblr?"
Me: "Yeah, why?"
14-year-old-girl at my work: "I knew it. You scream Tumblr."

Me: "You're so lucky, I wish I had thick hair!"
Other 14-year-old-girl at my work: (Feels my hair) "Oh yeah!! Your hair is pretty… average."

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13 comments on "a happy list: 48"
  1. these photos are so sweet #classy

  2. I lol'd hard at the "Could it be Trixie?" part. Ryan does the same thing with songs, and just plugs in Gwen's name. You guys are good dog parents.
    14 year old girls are hilarious.

  3. You watched Free Birds! Seriously hilarious! We are even starting a tradition to have a pizza night the day before Thanksgiving. Haha, the best.

  4. Haha those comments from the girls at your work!! Hilarious. Also I love those pictures. Very cool.

  5. Those last two quotes.

    [Insert all the crying-from-laughing emojis here.]

  6. umm... if your hair is average, mine must be way below average. Haha!

    I can't wait to see what other photos your makeshift studio produces. :)

  7. Oh my, everything about this is awesome!
