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project 365 / 21-26

Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Day 22 / Remember that time in my life where I was having horrible luck? Yeah, well here are my bangs after my blow dryer had a stroke of anger and burned them off!

Day 23 / Study parties all day err day. 

Day 24 / Jake's beard has bee so perfect lately. Soooo perfect.

Day 25 / Also got a new laptop sticker that I am 100% obsessed with.

Day 26 / I was sitting in the front room and I looked outside and saw Trixie running down the street after some guy! I have no idea how she gets out sometimes, but needless to say I looked like an idiot standing in the middle of my driveway clapping my hands and yelling "Trixie!" to a nearly deaf dog 15 feet away from me hahah. 

This project has been weird, because some days I 100% forget to take a picture and am left scrambling for something to photograph at the last minute, and then other days I take like 10 pictures and have to decide which one to use. I love how it has made me more aware of how beautiful the little things in life are (like food… haha but really I take so many pictures of food). Every time I walk out of my bathroom throughout the day I want to photograph the light in the front room because it's just so pretty! And I feel like I didn't notice that as much before! Anyways, just wanted to say that I'm loving the fresh look this is giving me on life and photography. And sorry if my photos are boring. If you have any suggestions, I'm up for a photography challenge!

I hope everyone's week is going good so far!

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P.S. Go enter my friend Natalie's giveaway for some Indy Brand clothing credit!
5 comments on "project 365 / 21-26"
  1. take pictures every day of my life. you're so good. that is all.

    xo, k

  2. i loooove these pictures. and your whole blog is just darling! YOU are darling!

  3. Oh no! Sorry about your bangs!! A good tip is to always keep the blowdryer moving :) Also, that laptop stick is AMAZING. I need!!

    <3 Kelsey
    Chaos Parade

  4. That last picture is so adorable! She can do no wrong, neighbor chasing or not.
