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A Happy List: 146

Monday, December 12, 2016

One of Jake's video games wouldn't let him play it until it installed an update. The update put sweaters on the chickens.
Finding a way to keep our Christmas tree watered while we are in Tokyo next week.
Baking our gingerbread houses this year! It's been fun to start our own traditions.
Steffy's Pros and Cons' baby. (Look at her Instagram story to see his hair lol.)
Hard work prevailing and getting a refund from a school I applied to.
Filling out my field placement forms for school.
The holiday energy in New York City right now.

Seeing two Bernese Mountain dogs in person.
Finally catching up on my Bloglovin' feed.
Little kids with Irish accents.

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We were at the dog part in New York City looking at people's dogs. (The funnest thing to do to kill some time, btw.) There was a Great Pyrenees and a Bernese Mountain dog standing right next to each other. (Click here to see what they look like before reading on.) 

Jake had never seen a Great Pyrenees before. He said, "What kind of dog is that?!" 

I said, "It's a Great Pyrenees."

He said, "What if they're the same and one just came out white?"


Ok also while we were in New York everyone was dressed up as Santa. It was the WEIRDEST thing. We were trying to figure out what could be going on and Jake said, "What if it's a social movement?"

I said, "No way!"

Jake said, "No, you know how there are all these social movements? Planking, dressing up as clowns, now Santa Clausing. Kids are like, 'Let's go out and do Santas' probably."

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New shows and movies we found:

The Fall: It's a lot different than I thought it would be, but it's a really good t.v. show! Dana Scully from The X-Files is in it and has a British accent... it sort of throws me off lol, but she does so well in it.

American Crime: We finished the whole first season in a week and now are on to season 2! They bring up some really good social issues and make you think. There are also so many characters to hate and love lol.

A Christmas Horror Story: I thought this was going to be like a Krampus type thing, but it was actually just horrible and we turned it off.

Stranger Things: J had seen this before, but I hadn't. I watched the whole thing in one day (that work from home life tho) and thought it was super cool! I am really confused about the ending though, so if you know what it means plz text/email me.
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