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A Happy List: 145

Monday, December 5, 2016

I got a new bralette from Target and it's a SMALL. I never would have thought I would be able to fit into a small before. Breast reduction surgery was SUCH a good choice.
Discovering there is a new season of Criminal Minds I haven't watched.
Previewing my Zoya nail polishes that Jake is giving me for Christmas.
Figuring out how to water our Christmas tree while we are in Tokyo.
Finding rainbow bagels at a grocery store by our house.
The samples Nordstrom sends you with your order.
The baby amount of snow this morning.
When babies wear socks on their hands.
Getting a new MacBook, finally!
Having short nails again.

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2 comments on "A Happy List: 145"
  1. You are going to Tokyo!!? Wow how fun! What do you do with a Christmas Tree while you're gone? Perhaps there is a tree babysitting service you can hire. I mean it seems like there is business for everything these days so who knows? That's one thing that stinks about being away from family is you can't just call them up and have them help you with things like that. When we lived close to my parents my mom used to bring me drinks to work all the time and help me with all sorts of stuff. Now that we're in Ogden I feel so alone, haha!

  2. I found this like, self watering device lol. We are going to build it this weekend and see if it works! If not we will probably just let the tree die.

    Agreed about family! Like Utah is so nice because there is always someone to watch your dog, your kids, water your plants, lend you a truck, etc lol. Plus we don't have like tons of friends here so that makes it a little harder! People in our area are a lot older and we are in a downtown area so it's not like super suburban.

    It's sad for us, being alone! Like you guys and us lol. But hey, we're learning to make it work, right?! Maybe we will all be able to come up with some cool hacks!
