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Thursday, December 15, 2016
I don't think I said it on here, but J got me a new computer!! It is so fast and Photoshop works SO WELL. It has been soooo nice because my old computer was SO SLOW. I played around with my Wacom tablet today and made a lil' collage, because I can now!! #celebrate

Ugh I really wish I was doing photography again. It was nice side cash, but I haven't gotten much business since moving to Connecticut. Granted, I haven't been trying super hard to market or anything lol. Maybe I just have to try a little bit harder here! Time will tell lol. But I miss making a little bit of money off of photography, because that is what I used to use to buy clothes. We RARELY spend our own money on clothes haha. We might have to get over that, though!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Anyway, with school starting soon I am getting SO EXCITED to get ready and be seen by people again lol. Spending all day in pajamas is fun like once in a while, but I am so over it by now. I just want a place to go! 

Hopefully I will be finding out where my field placement is soon!! And hopefully it's somewhere good! I'm so nervous ahhhhhh. I guess the bright side is if it is bad I won't have it for too long, but still I am nervous. Wish me luck!

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