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a happy list: 54

Monday, March 2, 2015

Jake gave me the perfect back rub one night. It was like, deep tissue and my back felt sooo good afterwards. / Eating in the car-stay-place (?) at Hire's. It was very peaceful and their veggie burgers are delicious! / Finally trying Chipotle / Food night with Katherine. Always. / Driving in the most perfect snow flurries on Saturday evening. / Getting a new bikini for our next beachy vacation. (Hopefully over Christmas break! Cross your fingers!) / Exploring Park City. / Talking to my now IRL friend McKenzie at church. U go gurl. / The meer sight of my neighbor's sheepadoodle playing joyfully in their yard. / Trixie, when I bring food into the living room while she is laying on the couch. She will just stay laying down, but starts sniffing and her nose goes crazy haha!

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Here's some funny things people have said this week:
My mom: "... social bug..."
Me: "Do you mean social butterfly?"

(Trixie wouldn't come on our bed after having a rough night filled with dogmares) Jake: "Maybe she's just not ready."

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Here's some internet things to make you happy:
This HONY post makes me tbt. / Neato optical illusions. Also, can no one ever talk about the dress again? It would be too soon. / I stumbled upon this photographer who is located in Utah, amazing, and doesn't charge and arm and a leg. So, yay. / Crazy cat MEN. Katherine, this is for you. / Banksy's new political statement. I think he may be my favorite street artist. / I need this chair so badly. SO BADLY. 

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Um... yeah. That's pretty much it. Nothing new, basically just day dreaming all day every day about moving somewhere else. I am so ready to be out of Utah! Let me tell ya. Awesome food here, awesome people, awesome mountains, etc. but MAN. I am ready for a break (20 year break? 50 year break? LOL.) from pretty much everything here. I'm sure I'll miss it one day, but I've never lived anywhere else, and I just feel like I'm missing out on all of these experiences! I don't know if that makes sense, but basically I feel like I'm too young to be confined here to experience the same things I've already experienced. I want newness and adventure!

Don't quote me on this, but hopefully this time next year we'll be packing up our stuff and getting ready to move. I don't know where yet, but I'm at that point where pretty much anywhere sounds good, ya know? So, hopefully that happens. I've been counting down the days to move out of here ever since I went to Seattle when I was 17 (and basically fell in love with cities)!! So, it will definitely be a very long awaited, very welcome change. But, that is that! Some emotional feels for you Monday haha. 

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P.S. I now realize that last part might not translate as super "happy" BUT IT IS BECAUSE ALMOST JUST ONE YEAR LEFT WHICH ISN'T VERY LONG AT ALL SO YAY. 

P.P.S. I can't figure out the linkup thing, sorry. But if you make one just leave a link in the comments so I can read it and be happier. :)

20 comments on "a happy list: 54"
  1. you've never lived outside of utah!? that's nuts! haha i hope you get to get away to warmer places soon :*

    xo, k
    pocket of blossoms

    1. haha right! but yeah, hopefully a little vacay can happen! although i'm fine with the cold, kinda sad it isn't snowing more here!

  2. Replies
    1. we actually are going there in september for my uncle's wedding!!!

  3. You should watch the Banksy documentary on Netflix...except it's not really about Banksy? I dunno, I remember I really liked it but it's been a while.

    I love that HONY one. My guy friends in high school would always do that but I never had the nerve so I would always wait for them in the lobby haha

    I love that photographers website! It's really pretty. Which seems like a weird thing to say about a website.

    Thanks for always including Trixie in your happy list.

    1. is the documentary called exit through the gift shop? if so, i love it. if not, let me know!
      also omg it's so easy and not super scary haha. my friend wore like, the brightest clothes and it always sketched me out so bad.
      you're welcome about trixie. thanks for always appreciating her.

  4. Oh I know what you mean about the whole moving away thing! I've been feeling that same way. I feel like I just need a break up in my routine, something fresh, something new. New scenery, new faces. Our time will come!

    1. It may be a painful wait, but you're right! We will get there eventually :)

  5. that swimsuit is so cute! I've been swimsuit shopping lately too, idk why, I have no plans for a beachy vacation anytime soon...

    1. Lol cause you guys live on a beach pretty much!! We are actually thinking of maybe doing a road trip to Cali in August if our Christmas vacation doesn't work out, so we might have to meet up!

  6. Yes. Get out of your home state. Hopefully you'll end up in a CITY city, like you want, but be open to other possibilities, too! You could always move again.

  7. Those are awesome pictures! Score about the back massage...we're still working on that with my husband haha his massages arent the best yet!

    1. haha i hope you get it to what you want it to be!

  8. I just got the same type of bikini!! Well it was from Triangl...but it looks pretty much for the same. So what I'm trying to say is that you have stella taste soooo....that's cool

    1. ah lucky! i actually wanted one from triangl but they don't have one that would fit my boobs (fml) but then i saw the next day that victoria's secret's look pretty similar. so a win! enjoy your triangl!

  9. love. it. all!!!


    1. Um love all your travel guides. Excuse me while I go everywhere you list haha.
