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a happy list: 59

Monday, March 30, 2015

Shooting a stylized shoot with my cute friend Aubrey / Finishing all the assignments for my Exercise Science class! / Getting places marked off of my Utah travel page! / Discovering the most delicious chai concentrate for chai tea lattes. / HEROES. We are so into it right now. / Planning our trip to Albuquerque to see my grandparents and to go to the alien festival. / Getting a NUME curling iron for $41 instead of $141. / Trixie cuddling with me on the rocking chair while I do homework. / Jake was poking my hand underneath the covers, trying to find out what part of my body it was. I grabbed his poking finger really quick and it scared him so bad! LOL! / Finding out the Pac-Sun at the University Mall sells Brandy Melville.

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I really didn't keep track of many funny things people said, or cool things on the internet. I've been not really into internet things because I'm getting so close to being done with school! Here's what I have left. 

Exercise Science: a test and a project.
Social Work: the midterm and final.
Painting: 3 at home paintings and 2 in class.
American Heritage: final exam, written assignment, and extra credit papers.
Internship: work log, final exam.

THAT'S IT. I've already finished my Public Speaking class and Sociology class. So, the end is near! I applied to work at Jet Blue and am really hoping I get it. I did my application over a weird time period, so I'm not sure if it's still in their database. I emailed them though, so hopefully it's still there! It would be such a fun job!

Also, I've been planning and doing more styled/artistic shoots like I used to (please let me know about any model friends you have). It's scary to put yourself and your art out there, but it's always so rewarding when someone chooses you to capture their moments! So confidence boosting, too I think. Especially when it's a stranger because you know they aren't just hiring you to be nice haha. Anyways, so hopefully that keeps up!

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13 comments on "a happy list: 59"
  1. Can't wait to see your styled shoots!
    And yay for almost being done with school!

  2. what is the chai concentrate? I haven't been able to find one that is mormon-approved X_X also you should share your paintings! I want to see! :)

    1. Ok I will but they are NOT my best work, so be warned haha. And let me check on the chai...
      Ok so it's by the brand Oregon Chai. Just get the caffeine free version. It's made from rooibos/herbal chai! Then you just mix it with equal parts milk (for a chai tea latte)! Super delicious! I love to put some vanilla syrup from Starbuck's in my hot chais. I want to do a blog post about mormon-approved drinks haha! There's some good ones out there!

    2. *sure I'm stalking your comments*
      Do it! The mormon approved drinks post!

  3. so close! good luck! i just finished my internship and final projects, and now i just have to pass my boards. everything else just kinda seems to fade away!

    1. Thanks! Good luck to you too! You'll do awesome!

  4. Jet Blue, eh? With a psych degree? Or is it a position totally unrelated to your degree? WHAT IS THE JOB?! (PS: hope you get it, obvs.)

    Also, are you earning as BS or BA? I feel like maybe a BA because of what I think your electives are...but maybe not?

    1. HA. I love this question.
      So yes Jet Blue, yes with a psych degree, BUT the job is totally unrelated to my degree. It's a reservationist. I guess you could technically relate psychology to any job cause #peopleskills, but beign a reservationist doesn't require a college degree.

      I am earning a BS! :)

  5. You mean that cat caller didn't get a shout out on your happy list?? hahaha....

    1. OMG that guy needs to get some help with his creeperness. At my shoot yesterday there was another cat caller. I'm just like, "Why?" Like I would literally feel like an idiot yelling anything at a stranger! Ha!

  6. I haven't watched Heroes but I heard it's great!! Are you going to watch the reboot?
    Meg of An Affair of Character

    1. I don't know what a reboot is haha! But we're pretty into Heroes right now, so probably whatever that is we will be obsessed with it as well!
