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if you can't bring you to the city, bring the city to you!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Ok so maybe the city I brought to myself is in the form of a t-shirt haha. Object Apparel had so much cute stuff I couldn't help it. But hey, it still helps with my permanent case of wanderlust! We actually have some fun trips planned for this year, so I'm really excited. I think it will help with trapped feelings! Basically all I do is plan places to go, ha! 

I was trying to get Trixie to sit propped up like a human and she was 100% not having it.

Thank the heavens for Amber Fillerup and her braid tutorials. But like... really. I would be a hot mess without them. (Is that term dead or still socially appropriate?)

Oh, da bb clouds. How cute they are.

Also, today I officially started my paper chain for our move! We have no idea where we are going, but we are going! So, now that I can visually see how many days we have left (ok my paper chain is really long) it's so exciting! Sometimes I try to imagine life outside of Utah and it feels like trying to imagine what aliens look like. Like I know it will be cool and that I will love it, but I have no idea what to expect or count on, since it's never happened before! It will definitely be an adventure and I am getting so pumped just talking about it!

Some pictures of Trixie! I love the one of her mid-jump photo bomb. Haha!

Anyways, Object Apparel is really nice and wants to give $25 away to one of you cute people! 

To enter:
- must be following my blog
- leave your email AND a place you have been dying to visit (I will probably be adding them all to my list, so no worries ha!)
- for an extra entry follow @objectapparel_detroit on Instagram (leave a separate comment if you do, please!)

The winner will be emailed directly. Good luck! You can browse their shop here and enter to win more cute stuff on their Instagram here. Oh, and also you can use the code "emmyjake15" to get 15% off anything in the store until the end of March. 

Retail therapy, right? Haha no but seriously sometimes when I feel like I need a change something as simple as buying some new clothes, or trying out a new restaurant helps so much! I got a new hat at Target and I'm like, a whole new person haha. Anyway, back to the books!

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P.S. I have no idea if my title is grammatically correct. I spent so much time try to find where I heard a similar quote and didn't have any luck. So, feel free to correct me.
13 comments on "if you can't bring you to the city, bring the city to you!"
  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You are gorgeous! I'm dying to visit New Orleans! Though, I'm currently planning a 2 yr anniversary trip to Disney World! ( and I am totally following their IG and you!

  3. I've never been on a cruise but I feel like I would just lovelovelove it. :)

  4. when we moved we missed utah more than we thought we would, and we'd only been there for four years!! paper chains are da best though and I can't wait to see where you guys end up. :) I actually really want to visit Iceland!! it seems so beautiful. I think you know my email but it's anyway

  5. Your hair is amazing!! And how long is your paper chain??

  6. My husband and I are planning a 7 week trip to Europe next summer (2016). We can't wait. Here are the 3 cities I am most excited about!!

    Dublin, Ireland
    Cinque Terre, Italy (Look up pictures. You will not be disappointed)
    Santorini, Greece (It's technically an island, but it's still stunning)

  7. I also follow their insta! Love their cute clothes.

  8. Hi I want to visit Ireland I also want to win $25 to Object Apparel please and thank you.

  9. And also I followed them on Instagram.

  10. I have to go to Europe and I am. This summer. Goodbye forever everyone because I'm probably not coming back.

    1. aand my email (I am smart): (don't laugh I made it when I was 17)

  11. 1) the title is (almost!) grammatically correct
    3) I follow them on insta now.
    4) p.s. when are you moving and where?
    5) don't say Provo -_-
