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a happy list: 57

Monday, March 16, 2015

Making the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever made, thanks to this recipe. / Seeing Abraham in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with the EXACT SAME HAIRCUT. / Using all my cute bath stuff. / Organizing my desk and getting rid of things that I am just hoarding. / When Trixie looks in on me through the window while I am getting ready in the morning. / My mother's crepes. / Driving around with the top down and feeling "infinite" haha. / When Trixie follows me into my room and sits at my feet when I do my makeup. / Tofurky turkey. / Exploring the mountains with Jake.

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Here are some funny things people have said this week:

My niece (talking to me): "Sorry, Tina!!!" 

My mom: "I'm on my way home. So prepare for happiness."

Me: "But my feet are cold!"
Jake: "But they will get warm in my crevasse" (referring to the space between his calves haha)

Me: (showing my mom this picture) "Look at his boobs!"
My mom: *silently gets up and leaves*

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Here are some internet things to make you happy: These monsters who are struggling just as much as we are.The announcement for Zoolander 2, LOL! / Um, can you say real life Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, anyone? / Spider Man feeding homeless people?! / Ok this magpie is the cutest. I can't get over the picture of her cuddling with them in bed. / Obama reading his mean tweets, lol! / Ok, so I love this post. I feel like it hits the whole "having friends while married" thing straight on! This is probably different for everyone, but I love having friends who can be totally fine if I don't want to hang out with them solely because I'd rather hang out with Jake! It's probably one of those annoying things married couples do. Ha. But, I love being able to be like, "Hey, Jake is busy tonight, do you want to hang out?" and have friends who don't feel like a "last choice" and understand that. So, thank you to all friends!

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Ok, so honestly, I feel like my happy lists aren't as good as they once were haha. Like, I feel like they used to be about really appreciating the small things in life, and lately they are more about the big things. I feel like I have fallen out of the habit of looking for the small pleasures in life like the way something sounds or the way something feels, because I have been so focused on bigger picture things! So, when I finish school and can chill for a sec, I want to focus on improving that more!

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17 comments on "a happy list: 57"
  1. Haha oh my, that cat. Too funny! Also, I like your dreamcatcher :)

    1. haha! they pretty creepy looking, in her defense.

  2. Ok, the cat thing, my sister has a cat like that because she is allergic and sphinx cats stink like poo, all the time. It's something to do with their sweat glands. It is absolutely the most disgusting.

    Also, I am loving that blog about the married with friends thing. I second everything you said. I was always offended before I was married when my friends would text me because their husband was doing something else but now I TOTALLY GET IT. I'm the worst for being such a crap head.

    1. um can i please pet it? like seriously. and also thanks for the heads up! i really don't think i'll ever get a cat, but if it ever happens i guess i will have to decide between lots of gross hair or a cat that smells like poo HAHAHAHA.

  3. fan girling because i got a shout-out! thanks em! <3

    xo, k

  4. Hm. I dunno if I've ever felt that way about friends after I was married. Like. Sometimes I'll just make plans with friends before asking Ryan to hang out, haha. But yeah, as you said, it's different for everyone. Maybe it's because there are some things that I enjoy doing that Ryan doesn't enjoy, so I'll just find someone else to do them with!
    Don't get me wrong. I still like hanging out with my husband :D

  5. I always appreciate your 'funny things people have said' part of your lists, it cracks me up! Also Justin Bieber. I am secretly a fan, so I'm glad to see it on your radio haha :)

    1. Haha I always forget people can see what I've been listening to. I feel kind of ashamed.

  6. I feel like your mom is hilarious! And don't be too hard on yourself. The fact that you're actually taking the time to even remotely be grateful for things is so awesome. And we should totally get together when you're in Seattle in September!

    1. ah yes we should! we aren't there for very long, but it would be fun!

    2. Well lets play it by ear. Keep me posted on the dates and we can try and make something happen :)

  7. I'm happy you can relate to my post about having friends while married! I seriously never know who reads/will stumble upon what I write haha :) And I feel so honored to be included on your happy list... that makes ME happy!

    1. haha omg. i'm glad you're honored, but honestly that post was spot on! thanks for being with it and writing it haha.
