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life lately

Saturday, March 14, 2015
I've seen this stencil at south campus, but I saw another one while shooting the other day! I want to know the story behind them so badly.

Trixie's hand placement kills me in this picture. SHE IS SO CUTE.

Jake's hair was super long and I decided to return the favor and braid it hahaha. 

I was holding a swaddled Trixie and I had to get up. When I came back she had stayed in the exact position I left her in.

Mr. Tea just chillin' in his bubble bath. Just kidding, it was froth, but I got a kick out of it. 

Heart pancakes and Jake's eggs for breakfast! The best! 

We got a pretty nice tax return so Jake splurged and got some paintball stuff. LOL the mask. It's so ninja like.

Sitting in the the same place that we first hung out! Except there wasn't a table this time, so we sat on the floor :)

Ok, also bagel sandwiches are the best. I love using my heart mold to make a little patty haha.

I made these cookies for our Walking Dead night. They were sort of weird at first, because they don't look cooked, but it turns out they are DELICIOUS. 

Trixie luh The Walking Dead.

I took a bubble bath mainly because I wanted to use this cute bath bomb that Jake gave me for Christmas.

I actually am not a huge fan of baths haha. So, I lit a candle, used my bubble bar, and turned on some Buffy to make it more enjoyable. I still don't get baths, but I guess it was somewhat relaxing. I think the problem is I'm not a super tall person, so I never feel like I can get myself in a good position. Do you know what I mean? Like, I always feel like I am drowning haha. The only way I can keep myself up is if I straighten my legs all the way, and that's super uncomfortable. Anyway! Bath stuff is cute, and I keep hoping I will like bathing. Maybe one day.

I took my mom to Ivie Juice Bar for the first time. It's been a second since I've been there and I forgot how freaking delicious it is. 

I found my heart glasses! Yay! Buttttttttt then they broke today. So sad, so sad. I need to get new ones. I bought some at Nordstrom last summer and they disappeared into thin air. Losing sunglasses is the worst!

I tried Ruby Snap cookies for the first time! I got the Ricki and the Marius. I am not a huge fan of solid chocolate cookies I decided, but OMG THE RICKI. Add it to your "Must Try Foods" because it was seriously sooooooo good. Like, so good.

I stumbled upon this neato street art while trying to find Ruby Snap cookies! I love it!

So, I was eating in my car (#lonerlife) and there was a mega creep in that shack. Pretty sure there are drugs in there, but who knows.

Trixie had her head in between that pillow and the cushion. I sneezed and it scared her, so she turned around really quick. Her face was still stuck though and it looked like she was smiling! Haha!

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15 comments on "life lately"
  1. Yay! So many photos of Trixie! Looooooooves her. She is such a cutie! Gah.

    1. You are so nice! Come to Utah already so you can meet her in the flesh haha!

  2. I love your Mr Tea! OMG I wanted it so badly for Christmas, and then was like, "do I really need it?" That picture of the foam just totally sold me. Love your recaps! xoxo
    Meg of An Affair of Character

    1. YOU DO NEED IT. He is the happiest thing! He'll make you a morning person if you aren't already for sure!

  3. hahah #lonerlife. Lol. I can relate. Also, I'm obsessed with Trixie. She's precious!

  4. haha I have the opposite problem with baths -- I'm too tall for every tub ever! I still take baths every day tho, I just like to watch tv and deep condition my hair in there, it's a nice routine. Someday when I have a big house I hope to have a huuuuge bathtub!!

    1. Oh deep condition! Yeah, this was my first bath watching t.v. during, and it did make it more enjoyable! I hope you get your dream tub someday! Haha!

  5. losing sunglasses is the worst, especially when i finally find new ones that actually look good on me and then lose them! you must share that cookie recipe that you used for those walking dead cookies, they look delicious! your bagel sandwich had my mouth watering, what kind is it?! also, you're a babe.

    xo, k

    1. Ugh right! Also I posted the recipe in tomorrow's post :) and it's just a blueberry bagel with an egg and a slice of cheddar cheese haha. Super good! And YOU'RE THE BABE.

  6. I have the exact opposite issue with bubble baths! I feel like I can never fit my whole body under the water, so something is always cold. For shame. Your dog cracks me up, as always. I wish my parents dog was as chill as Trixie. Their dog would NEVER sit still swaddled up like that. Never never.

    1. SHAME INDEED. Haha yeah I'm pretty sure there aren't many dogs who are as chill as Trixie. She is very odd indeed.

  7. This might be my favorite post of yours for some reason? Like the "You've Changed" thing intrigues me so much, how talented are you that you can braid the tiniest hairs, Trixie (obvi), your pretty breakfast and sunglasses, and BATHS! I love baths, but yeah i'm too tall so it's kind of awkward. I have wanted to get a bath bomb for a long time. I need to.

    1. OK RIGHT WITH THE YOU'VE CHANGED THING? i've seen two in provo, and there was another piece that was the same writing, except i can't remember what it said. i really want to know who did them!!! and why!!!
