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Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Ok, so I am waiting for my last speech video to upload right now. I had to record it like 4 times, because the camera kept refocusing like every 5 seconds and it was really annoying, ha! So, hopefully this will be the last time I will have to record it. But, it takes like 30 minutes to upload! So annoying! But hey, it's raining really hard right now so that's good. Also I've had time to post these pictures from our hike! 

Do you remember when it was the coolest thing to take pictures like this? Haha! Also, don't mind my dirty car window. #badcarowner

The babies all buckled up!

Ok I love trying new sodas. I found these at Smith's when I was looking for Jones! We decided it was pretty good, and also a good way to commemorate our BYU student status. If you know of any delicious sodas, please let me know!

Ok I got these shoes at Rue 21 like seriously 6 years ago and they are still going strong! I've had to super glue the bottom but other than that they are fine! Don't you just love stuff that last forever? 

Tibble Fork is super close to where we're living so it will be fun to explore it more during the summertime, especially since this might be our last summer here we need to take full advantage! I am in the market for a cute picnic basket with a blanket, but I can't decided which one to get! Plus it's one of those things that I think would be cute, but maybe we wouldn't use it a lot and the money would be best spent going towards a trip or something haha. 

Oh, and to those who ask where we are moving: we don't know. Basically Jake graduates in April 2016 and then he is just going to work while I get my master's. So we will probably just move to wherever I get accepted. So, cross your fingers it's somewhere cool haha! I'm aiming for either New York or D.C. Seattle would be cool too, but I'm really hoping to end up somewhere that has a public transportation system so I don't have to drive. Ha! We'll probably know where we are going this time next year. 

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16 comments on "hiking!"
  1. Looks like a rad place to go hiking, I wish we had more mountainous terrain where I live - everything is just so goddamn flat. I still get my hike on though! Argh yes - I used to love taking pictures like that haha.

    Abby | Eärendil

    1. Well if you ever want to experience Utah skiing we would def love to house swap haha! Your adventures look amazing!

  2. Come to the East Coast, we're cool ;)
    And those photos. Just stop. They're too pretty.

  3. The east coast is amazing! I loved living there. My family lived in Maryland and we always went into D.C. on the weekends! The cherry blossoms here in Utah are beautiful, but the ones around memorials and reflection pools in D.C. during springtime are breathtaking! What are you getting your masters in?

    xo, k

    1. Social work! And ah yes! I would love to see those pretty cherry blossoms!

  4. oooh man. brighams brew is SO good. i'm really missing rootbeer right now... & hiking... & lakes... & pretty much everything that is happening in these pictures is making me homesick haha

    1. Haha! Well hey, you're having an amazing adventure overseas!!

  5. Replies
    1. Haha! Pear haps! I feel like I would be obsessed with all the food places. They are so unique.

  6. You are seriously the most adorable human being EVER. Except for maybe my son who is so super cute that I just can't help it #OMGBESTILLMYHEART.


    Jones Soda was, as I would've said back in the day, the bomb dot com. Do you remember Orbitz soda?! With the weird gel bubble things in it?! Also, uber throwback: Squeeze-its. I miss THOSE.

    1. Orbitz?! No! But I'm adding it to my list haha! And I don't know about Squeeze-its either. I am too baby. They sound awesome though.

  7. There was a time when I was suuuuuper obsessed with those root beers. We would always go on midnight brew runs to smiths. Also your lunches look so cute in the seat belt!!

    1. Haha! Don't we all go through those soda obsession phases!
