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A Happy List: 148

Monday, January 2, 2017

Learning about Snowden haha. I should know this by now, but seriously such a cool story.
Fitting into an xs small dress for the first time in my life. My smaller boobs are amazing.
Discovering there are Australian shepherds that look like Bernese Mountain dogs.
Making some IRL friends! They are photography friends too yay!
Doing 1 week of BBG without cutting corners or skipping things.
Seeing an old guy at the mall pound on chest like a Gorilla.
Sitting in a steamy bathroom while the shower is running.
Eating Marshmallow Santas, my favorite food.
Lemonade Vitamin Water heated up omg <3
The red sauce from Panda Express.

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My mom: "So you got fired twice by the same people?!"

I was wearing stripes and J said, "Oh! Cute stripes! I'm gonna call you stripes!"
Me a few seconds later: "UGH! Our duvet is so uneven it's freaking irritating."
J quietly: "Sorry stripes."

J: "You're my sick little bb."
Then, a few seconds later: "Would it be hot for you if I was like, a male nurse?"

J pranked me. He and I were walking to the gym and I was telling him about photography business ideas. After a minute of talking he motioned to his earphones like he couldn't hear me and for a second I was so appalled until he bust up laughing haha.

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