Monday was my Japanese birthday! I was still technically 22 in the states, but it was the 19th in Japan so we celebrated. The sunrise from our hotel window was so. pretty. omg.
I want to have a house one day that has some sort of cool view so I can see a sunrise every morning <3.
We took the train to Harajuku for breakfast. I sat next to this man who was sleeping and LOLed. When we lived in New York I always made fun of people who slept on the train, and then J started sleeping on the train! I was like, "HOW!" And he was like, "I always wake up at my stop!"Also J and his mom were matching in their jackets and v cute.
I chose Noa Cafe for breakfast because they had waffles and I love waffles. Also if you haven't already noticed, I get SO scared when eating foreign foods because my stomach is super super sensitive.
The hot chocolate in Japan is not very good lol. I had to add sugar to this one, and after it did it was decent. I am SO picky about hot chocolate these days because nothing is as good as Beans and Brews in Utah.
Walking around Takeshita street was so fun! It was how I had imagined all of Japan being like. I feel it was me in street form. There were so many goodies like crepes and cotton candy, not to mention all of the cute stores. We got some goodies from Daiso here, but later discovered that the real deal Daiso was in a mall in Shinagawa.
Ok so I do this annoying thing where I edit my photos two ways. For myself and my prosperity, I edit them clean and bright. Then for fun/art I edit them film-y and post them to my Tumblr. I feel like I accidentally edited this one my Tumblr style but UGH! It has taken me forever to get all these photos edited and organized, so I am NOT going to re-edit it haha. I shoot with 2 different cameras and no matter how many times I reset the date/time on them, they are ALWAYS off. So I have to manually change what time/day each photo was taken and it's a huge mess.
The main thing I wanted to do for my birthday was get cotton candy from Totti Factory. It was sooooo cute in there you guys!
LOOK AT THIS AMAZING COTTON CANDY!! I still dream about it.
I think we ended up going back to the hotel for a bit to rest our feet and put away our goodies. Then we had Kaiten Sushi, which I didn't take any photos of. But basically you go and sit in this booth, and there is a little t.v. where you can order food. Then there are two conveyor belts. One where they put your order, and another where they just have constant sushi you can choose from. It was super cool!
After that, we went to Ginza which was cool but also made me feel like a Kardashian haha. Like everything was just super designer and expensive. I mean it was cool and had pretty lights, but Takeshita street was a little bit more my style lol.
This is as close as Tokyo gets to the holiday NYC windows! (I think.) It was a huge sleeping polar bear and it's stomach moved with each breath! Super cool.
We found a little cake shop and bought a piece of cake for my birthday. It was ok, but Japanese sweets are just different haha. Like, I feel like dessert isn't as big of a deal for them as it is for us Americans.
At the end of the day I decided it didn't feel much like a birthday lol. I had my Facebook birthday on private so no one knew/wished me happy birthday, and then also I didn't open any presents, AND I didn't make a birthday cake.
At the end of the day I decided it didn't feel much like a birthday lol. I had my Facebook birthday on private so no one knew/wished me happy birthday, and then also I didn't open any presents, AND I didn't make a birthday cake.
J and I have always done SUPER fun days for my birthday, where it's like an all day celebration, so it was sad lol. But, I got over it because we are re-doing it this week! So yay!
Anyway, Harajuku was one of my favorite things about this trip! I could have done a day or two there, seriously lol. We'll save it for next time!
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