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A Happy List: 152

Monday, January 30, 2017

Meeting a new friend and her immediately complimenting my eyelash length lol.
Learning about sleep and the different chronotypes. (Podcast is worth a listen!)
Ordering a bunch of skirts from ThredUp/getting my style back.
Getting almost completely up to date on my reading for school.
Getting released from my church calling. (Hallelujah!)
Starting to see development in my abs from BBG.
The little hamburgers from McDonald's.
Finding a desk on Craigslist for $40.
BBQ pork sandwiches.
Dogs in raincoats.

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I was complaining to J about this woman never answering my emails in a direct manner. He said, "She might as well say, "vague email below"!"

J was trying to wake me up so we could eat breakfast together. He was shaking me and saying, "Wakey wakey play with bakey!" (Because I call him Jakey Baker.)

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