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A Thank You

Sunday, August 2, 2015
This is my 8th time trying to write this post. I have been sitting her for around an hour. I keep writing stuff, then deleting it, then writing more, then deleting everything. It's just crap. I hate that I can't write how I'm feeling on here, because I'm scared of offending people. But, I guess that's what happens when people actually read your blog, ha!

Anyway, so I'm going to go about this in a different way. It's not completely honest. Not at all. But it's also not offensive. I would rather be that person who has a fake personality online and never talks about negative things, then the person who offends people on a daily basis with their blog (Matt Walsh, anyone?).

SO. With that being said, this is a thank you post. It's a thank you to alllllll my lovely blog friends/readers. You guys have accepted my strange poems and pictures I have put into this cyberspace. You guys have had nice things to say about them and haven't labeled me as "emo". (If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you never will because I deleted those posts long ago haha.)

Thank you for letting me vent here! Thanks for just ignoring me if you disagree. Thanks for commenting if you agree. Thanks for not judging me, lecturing me, or telling me my opinion is not valid. Thanks for not telling me I'm being too dramatic. Thank you, thank you, thank you one million times.

Also, thanks for making me feel less alone. It's hard to be so different from those around you, but you guys have made me feel so at home. So many times I get home from an event feeling like I'm living in an alien world. I love coming to this space and immediately feeling supported. I have made some of my very favorite friends through blogging. You guys are the ones I feel like I can relate to, so thanks for connecting with me through this stupid blog and letting me be your friend IRL. You guys are seriously the best in the whole world.

Ugh. I just love you all so much. I don't even know how to put it into words, but just thank you for taking the time to comment, or to email me, or to connect with me in real life. I honestly would be the loneliest black sheep without all of you.

You guys make me feel at home and understood. That to me, is priceless.

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4 comments on "A Thank You"
  1. This is such a sweet post! Having blog friends and readers is the best feeling. :)

  2. AW! *tears*
    Thanks for being supportive of my blog too!

  3. OMG When I read the post title and few first words of the excerpt I immediately thought you were offering a farewell to the blogging world and I was going to be SO SAD because Mondays already suck enough without that kind of news.


    Everything about you and your blog are rad, and we're all happy you allow us along for the ride. SO THANK YOU.

  4. Gah I just love you so much! Totally get where you're coming from. It can be terrifying posting things onto the internet (especially controversial/opinionated stuff). Haters suck, but luckily I've never come across any during my 5 years of blogging. You rock!!
