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A Happy List: 81

Monday, August 31, 2015
I kind of want to start posting throwback pictures from my old blog that I have hidden deep, deep in cyberspace ahahaha. So, here's the first :) Me and my brother <3


Seeing someone change one of those signs fast food restaurants use to advertise. I had been waiting my entire life for that. / Jake making cookies and delivering me my very own bowl of cookie dough... complete with a spoon instead of a fork. #truelove / Apple celery carrot juice. / Seeing a half husky half golden retriever mix. (On the internet, but it was still so cute.) / FINALLY BEING ABLE TO COOK AND BAKE. / All the kids being back in school and making everything 80% less crowded. / Getting a trim and no longer having gross, scraggly hair. / Buying a new lens! / Faces on things that don't usually have faces. / Breaking 100 likes on my photography page. (If you're a friend go like it :))


My mom: "Send me the address."
Me: "I posted it on Instagram."
My mom: "That means nothing to me."

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P.S. What's making you happy lately? I know I'm going to be on cloud nine once fall hits in full force!

2 comments on "A Happy List: 81"
  1. Making me happy this week? You commenting on two of my posts just days after I read here that you don't really comment on blogs anymore because you read them on your phone now (YES!). Also: my middle kiddo starting kindergarten yesterday (, although she came home all "it was really, really boring" after going into it super stoked. Womp.

    1. Haha!!! Sounds like me in kindergarten. Hopefully they get it spiced up for her :)
