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My Morning Routine: Flog #3

Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Ok you guys. Let me tell you a story. So, my GoPro died recording this the first time. Then, I decided to do a car lip sync video to all my favorite slow jams (awesome, I know). My GoPro didn't record it!!! So, I decided just to use the morning footage from my first video? I know that's stupid and boring, but I don't have a lot of time to record vidoes these days haha. So, enjoy. Also, I know I am doing my makeup wrong so don't shame me lol.

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6 comments on "My Morning Routine: Flog #3"
  1. haha! I have noooooo idea how to make up either. I watch all these youtube vids of people applying makeup and I'm like, "That is a looooot of STUFF on one face!!!" Ain't nobody got time for that." Like I'm completely happy without concealer and powder and blush most days and just do my eyes. I don't even own concealer.

  2. I don't get the makeup thing either and can't do it at all do I literally only own a single brown eyeliner pencil, an eyelash curler and mascara. All regular drugstore brands. I'm not good at being feminine when it comes to the makeup thing. Or the hair thing. You've nailed both though, so I love/hate you for that.

    ALSO. I 1,000% know the pain of a device dying at the most inopportune time. Two weeks ago my girlfriend and I were in the Bahamas for our anniversary. We were a mile+ out to see on some rickety boat, about to go snorkeling. Right as she was set to walk off the back of the boat, the GoPro died and I was so heartbroken. We paid all this money for the GoPro especially for that part of the trip, then paid a bunch of money for the snorkeling excursion and we didn't even get to film it. WAHHHH!!!!

    After pouting about no video, I went in anyway and promptly lost my gauges to the ocean when my life vest pushed itself up when I jumped in the water, hitting my ears and knocking my gauges out, so I spent the whole week walking around with gaping holes in my ears and refusing to have my photo taken because of it. HA!

    We ended up paying to go snorkeling again the next day after a night of charing the GoPro and ended up getting great footage. So. It wasn't a total failure. But STILL.

  3. Your hair is just the best. That's all. :)

  4. Your dog's pouting is the cutest!
    My old roommate used to have long bangs like yours. Then one day she randomly decided to cut them short and she was just like "Oh no, now I have to do my eyebrows." So it's good practice if you ever decide to change up your bangs! haha

  5. Loving this whole "flog" thing and your new blog design! So cute:)

  6. i just watched all your "flogs" & they're seriously great. i feel like i know you more now from hearing your voice........ is that weird? might be weird. haha you're good infront of the camera too! keep making them!
