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iPhone Diary

Thursday, August 20, 2015
I always debate on whether or not to post iPhone photos. On one hand, I want to keep using my camera and taking quality pictures. On the other hand, I take a lot of pictures on my iPhone and I don't want them to just get lost in the photo abyss in my life. So, I've decided to just post my iPhone pictures, but to also be more selective about it. I was looking through my mom's photo albums the other day and she had like, one album from 1994-1997. She didn't even have a picture of me in the hospital the day I was born! I may have freaked out and thought I was adopted for some time haha. Anyway, I feel like it's nice to have lots of pictures, but then again when I have kids and they want to look at our pictures, they are going to have like thousands to go through haha. So, I'm trying to keep pictures that represent important memories, things I want to remember, instead of just pictures that were cool in the moment. Idk. I'm rambling now, but in short, expect more iPhone posts!

My cute coworker! We have to take selfies while we do trainings and it's so funny haha.

The trail by my house has the most baby stop sign. I love it haha. 

I REALLY need to make a video about public restrooms, but long story short: I hate them very much. Now that I'm at work all day I literally have no choice but to use a public restroom haha. I took this picture to congratulate myself on getting over weird life traps.

When I was filming my DIY video, my niece decided to be a little photographer. She was the cutest! And also caught on VERY fast on how to take a picture. By the end she could take a picture and review all the pictures on the camera haha. Kids these days are so freaking good with electronics.

My cute coworkers! I love my job!

Jake's motorcycle haha. It's my favorite thing. It's so funny. Every time we go on a ride my vagina ends up feeling like a smushed ant on the sidewalk. TMI, but in essence, I guess "sport bikes" aren't really meant to have passengers. Especially not when you're on bumpy roads hahahahahaha. Oh also, I saw a stat that like 95% of my readers are women, so I feel very comfortable talking about things like this here :) 

And lastly, pictures from camping! It was super fun taking Trixie. I want to take her every time now!

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