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The Final Flog :(

Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Guys! I'm sad Flog is over! It was seriously so fun making these videos. I kind of want to make a video a month. Leah? What are your thoughts? Do you care to host a monthly video link-up?  I feel like this turned out a lot better than I thought it would! So, let me know what you think. :)

Also, in case you don't want to watch the video, here are some pictures. I had my camera set up on a tripod, and my niece came in and wanted to take some pictures. I think she did pretty good for a 4 year old ;)

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8 comments on "The Final Flog :("
  1. you're videos are so fun haha. you were born to make them

  2. I like how you're wearing Christmas leggings in the summer.
    I still need to film mine! And I actually know what I'm doing this time! ha. I feel like maybe no one watches my videos because I always end up linking mine up at the end of the week when everyone has already forgotten about it? Ah procrastination.

    1. #christmaslover4ever
      Yay! I'm so excited to see yours! :) I always watch yours!

  3. Ummm please don't stop making videos! You're the cutest! And you've inspired me to start making videos ;)

    1. Yes please! I bet you'll make the cutest videos!
