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Tuesday, August 18, 2015
At last we were able to go camping. It seriously seems like we have been trying to go for so long, but something always comes up that we have to go to. So, we finally had a free weekend and I was like, "We are going camping. There is no other option." Hahaha. I wanted to go to Willow Lake, but I'm an idiot and thought it was way closer than it actually was. We ended up going to Timpanooke in AF Canyon and it was SO PRETTY. We got lucky with a walk up and it was seriously the best :)

I always joke with Jake that dads love panoramas. Like I swear 90% of the time you see a person taking a panorama picture, it will be a father haha. But, it was too pretty and I couldn't get the whole view in one shot, so alas: my first panorama on my camera!

Anyway! I've decided to start keeping track of where to camp in Utah, because it's always hard for us to find good spots. I wish I could find someone who had tested out a bunch and found the best! So, in hopes I will be able to help out some souls, here are the campground details :)

Timpanooke: site 14, $21, walk-up only, incredible view, bathrooms and water on site.

If you know of any really cool camping spots that aren't hours away, please let me know! I'd love to check them out!

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8 comments on "Camping!"
  1. That photo of Jake holding Trixie like a baby is too presh.
    And that photo of the sun rays coming through the trees! Like whoa!!
    I've been wanting to camp tooooooo. But Ryan's been busy with work and I'm also hesitant because it might be kinda hard with Gwen... Maybe next summer.

    1. Haha I love when he holds her like that too. That is smoke mixed with sun rays! Cool huh. I bet you guys could have a fun trip with little bebe. Almost everyone there had kids but who knows. You'll have to keep me posted on how it goes if you do it. I would like to know what it's like for the future :)

  2. That picture of you and the pup snuggled up in the blanket is PRECIOUS.

  3. These photos are all the "okay/on point" AND "heart eyes" emojis. SRSLY.

    My gf and I wanted to go "camping" (sleep in the bed of her pickup, under the stars) this weekend in Virginia Beach since the kids will be with their dad, but it's going to rain. SAD FACE!

    Also, am I the only one who thought back to your 9-person "sleeping bag" (tent (was it 9?))?! HAHAHAHA!

    1. Awe truck bed camping! So cute! It's so sad when the rain ruins camping plans :( :( :(.

      Hahahahahahahaha I'm so glad you remember the 9-person sleeping bag. That's my favorite thing that's ever happened on this blog.

  4. Love all these pictures! ... and p.s. I've camped in soo soo many different places in Utah. I can't even count them all. Some of my favorite are up the Mirror Lake Highway. Moosehorn campground is my favorite. But Payson Lakes is a close second... actually I can't decide. ha!

    1. Oooooh! Thanks Candace! I already had Mirror Lake and Payson Lakes on my list, and I just added Moosehorn :) :) I'm excited to try them all out!
