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Blogging Is Weird

Thursday, August 13, 2015

This is kind of random, but someone in my family said to me the other day: "No offense, but does anyone even watch those videos you make?" When I told them that people did, they asked me why people cared about my life. They couldn't understand why anyone would want to watch a video of me being best friends with Trixie, or talking about myself.

I couldn't tell them why people cared enough about my life to read my blog and watch my videos. I honestly feel like my life is pretty boring, so I was like "Heck if I know!" But, it just got me thinking about the whole thing. I decided that blogs are kind of hard for older people to understand, but in essence they are just another form of social media. I like blogging the best though, because it has such a strong value. It's a way to remember your life and have it all organized with pictures and words online.

I just thought that was funny. A few months ago I would have been way embarrassed and probably really offended at a comment like that, but now I just laugh so hard, because it really is such a weird concept to people who aren't in the blogging world. I really want someone to  make a video of "things they don't understand that bloggers do" or something like that. I feel like it would be so funny. For the record, I have made some of my favorite friends blogging. I have been able to feel so understood and accepted in this online world, when at times I felt like an alien in real life. So, I think that's why I keep putting things into this space. I like having it as an outlet for my photography, a way to remember my life and "journal", and a way to make friends :) 

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23 comments on "Blogging Is Weird"
  1. YAASS! I totally get you. A few of my friends understand and are really supportive about my blogging adventure, but most are pretty confused. My boss at the salon I work at, who is one of my favorite people, think it's crazy that I put all these pictures of myself out there and talk about stuff that I do. She is 65, so she's not that great with internet anyway (and would be probably made I was posting this about her haha). Anyway...I really love most of the blogging community and how people can make internet friends into real friends!
    -Ashley Maire

  2. This one totally hit home today. I got excited that one of my instagram photos had been re-posted by a big brand and had almost 1,000 likes, told my boyfriend, and he thought nothing of it. It was the blogger in me that was so excited! And people all the time don't "get" why we spill our lives on the internet. Why we love shares, comments and connecting. It's almost a foreign language sometimes! Still, I don't mind having my own little world to keep coming back to.

  3. Blogging is so hard to explain to people who don't blog! It's weird, but it's wonderful.

  4. My mum makes the same "But why do they want to read about your life/thoughts?" comment. Haha. Beats me. I have met so many amazing bloggers though. It makes all the "weird" worth it :)

    1. It's so true! All the weirdness and awkwardness is SO WORTH IT for the friends :)

  5. I'm so glad that you blog! I'm so glad that I decided to read your blog a few years ago when you were still in high school! haha! You were so intriguing back then. Please take that as a compliment.
    Yeah, Ryan doesn't understand the videos too much. But I see them as just another form of blogging/journaling. I love looooove to look back at my old blog posts. I'm glad that I've stuck with it for 5 years.

    I used to be pretty embarrassed about my blog, too. But after people IRL have told me that they love to read it, I felt a little better, and now I have no problem linking my blog posts to my Facebook feed- something I would have dreaded doing a few years ago.

    1. Lol the high school blog. I take that as a compliment. I love looking back on my old blog posts too. I'm glad we have the same feelings about this.

  6. Completely agree with you that older people don't understand! I guess it does sound a little odd haha.

    Laura xo

  7. Love this! I don't have a lot of followers and blog just for fun, but it's still a little weird to think about putting so much out there on the internet. I love being able to look back at old posts though since I'm the worst journal-keeper in the world. And I actually really enjoy finding new blogs to follow! Love yours.

    Adventures in Everyday Life

    1. Same! I really do use this primarily as a journal. It's so fun to have pictures and words telling about the past :)

  8. blogging is seriously the best and i was so disappointed when i came home from my mission only to discover that it wasn't as used or loved as it used to be. i've made some of my best best friends from blogging!

  9. you're so right. it is so weird. and i feel like today it is even better than it used to be because instead of everyone trying to be something else, everyone is just trying to be more of themselves. Its like the only social media where I feel like I can find real people. Which is awesome.

  10. i'm so happy that you blog! i wouldn't know you if you didn't!

    there is a big disconnect between peoples idea of what a blog is versus what it actually is. just keep on doing your thing, girl!


  11. It's fun to see how much we all relate to this. In my offline circle I am the only blogger I know who is interested in gaining a following. It's refreshing to hear from people like you who get what it's all about.

    1. Yeah for sure! I don't really care as much about the following as much about documenting my life and keeping it as a journal. But it is always fun to meet new people with the same interests :) It's a great place to meet friends!

  12. It's fun to see how much we all relate to this. In my offline circle I am the only blogger I know who is interested in gaining a following. It's refreshing to hear from people like you who get what it's all about.
