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A Happy List: 75

Monday, July 20, 2015
Colored keyboard stickers. / Donuts in the shape of numbers. / The rain lately. / Watching The Twilight Zone. / Finding a good deal on film. / Feeling like I'm progressing again. / The way people talk in old movies, it's like they have an accent of some sort. / Trixie falling asleep while sitting up hahaha. / My niece smiling while spitting up everywhere. / My nephew saying "hi" now.

Here are some funny things people said...

My sister: "I saw a shirt once that said that, "hangry"!"
Me: "That was me!! In my shirt!!"

TMI but I was walking out of the bathroom naked and Jake was on the couch. I walked out and he turned to me and said, "Eve" and held out his hand haha.

My mom trying to get my niece to eat: "Do you want to grow or do you want your body to shrink into nothingness??"

I was sitting on a stuffed animal across the room from my mom. There was a dresser between us. After a few minutes she said, "Emily, are you in this room still?"

My sister was telling me how much her husband loves boiled peanuts. They were telling me not to get it confused with boiled penis right as I was putting it into the "gifts to get people" note in my phone. Needless to say I accidentally wrote "Cajun boiled penis" instead hahahah.

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I honestly almost forgot to post this! I started my first full time job today and it sort of just slipped my mind!

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10 comments on "A Happy List: 75"
  1. aw, sweetest congratulations emmy on full-time employment <3 !

  2. I love the old movie accent! I studied accents at BYU (very useful stuff here, I know), and actually back in the old movie days, they legitimately made up an accent that was only used in movies and nobody actually spoke with that accent in real life. Weird, huh?

    1. WHAT. That is so freakin' weird. I want to learn how to speak it though! I wonder if anyone teachs it still hahaha

  3. I am dying at the "eve" comment!!!!!!!!! Hahaaaahahahahah

  4. "Do you want to grow or do you want your body to shrink into nothingness??" Hahaha that is awesome.

  5. The eve commment was hysterical! hahaha And congrats on the new full time job! Very exciting!
