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The One With The Breakfast Of Champions

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Trixie and I had dessert for breakfast on Friday morning because that's how we roll. Chewy sent her these apple dumpling treats and I had 3 Reese's sitting in my fridge so how could we not, ya know??

I told my mom to smell one of the treats because they smell SO GOOD. Like, I'm debating trying one? I already know what the outcome will be, but they seriously smell like delicious little apple cinnamon bites. (Update: Since I have written this post I did, indeed, try one. It wasn't something I would eat daily, but it really wasn't that bad. It just had a weird texture. Ha, I'm like an official crazy dog lady now, eating dog treats.)

Anyway. I'm still obsessed with Trixie. What else is new. Oh, and I'm trying to up my photography game and I feel like I accomplished what I wanted to with these pictures, so that's good news.

Thanks again to Chewy for making Trixie's life so much tastier!! If she could talk I'm sure she would be constantly begging me for more treats. :)

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5 comments on "The One With The Breakfast Of Champions"
  1. the photos! aaaa so good. especially the ones where she's eating the treats on the white ground. <3 ____ <3

  2. I still can't get over that sweet little Trixie is sponsored (she is one lucky loved puppy!).
    Sweetest photos, sweetest morning, sweetest pup <3

  3. These photos are so great! She is the cutest.

  4. Cute cute cute!! I love all the white space in these pictures, Im a sucker for lack of color ;)

  5. I really love the titles of your posts. Makes me laugh every time!
