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A Happy List: 76

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Agnes and Dora warehouse sale. / Cheez-It grooves. / The preview for The Secret Life of Pets. / Finally getting The Long Walk in the mail and LOVING IT. / All the people at my new job. / Watching Friends. / The chickpea salad from Potbelly's. / I got a text from a random number that had all these pictures of girls wearing thongs over their jeans. I was so confused until I realized that I knew the girls from high school! They had a bachelorette party for someone, and sent the pictures to me instead of a different Emily who was there hahahahaha. / The rain drizzle that happened one day. / Getting breakfast at my work meetings.

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6 comments on "A Happy List: 76"
  1. I freaking love that you mentioned that trailer cause I've been obsessed with the idea of that movie and want to see it soooo bad.

  2. That not-meant-for-you text: LLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

    Also: YAY! for liking the people with whom you work! Always a totally huge bonus. Especially if the job itself (or the pay) sucks...which I'm not saying is the case in YOUR case...I'm just sayin'...


  3. That flag cake looks simply divine! Also that cracks me up that they sent all those pictures to the wrong number hahahah! How embarrassed they must've been once they noticed! One time my husband got all these pictures of this guy's arm tattoos and we were like what the??? So he texted him back and just said "nice tat but wrong number". It was awesome.

  4. I don't know if I ever had a job where I absolutely loved who I worked with. Sure, I got along with some people, but I'd definitely avoid others, haha. So that's really cool.

  5. The Secret Life of Pets looks so funny! I can imagine my dog doing all of those things!
