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The One With Flog

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
So my friend Leah is a genius and created this weekly video challenge thing. This week's challenge was a get to know you video! I already kind of made one of these with random facts, so it was fun to make one with more... relevant information? Anyway, enjoy!

*Also, forgive the super exposed part where the sun decided to come out and kill my vibe.*

Click here to go to Leah's blog and see all the other videos people posted! 

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11 comments on "The One With Flog"
  1. i forgive you for not liking disneyland because I truly think my love for it comes almost SOLELY from nostalgia hahaha. you are so good at making videos! like you're so comfortable in front of the camera! I swear I had to like write out what I was gonna say, and then read it, and try not to seem too awkward. maybe this video challenge will help me :')

    1. Haha I'm only confortable cause I just ramble on and on and on and then edit it out. It's a weird proceess. I kind of want to make a video together? Like I feel like that would be fun?

  2. Ugh! Your video is so good and mine is soooo bad!!!! Haha. I'm seriously considering making a new one........

  3. Super cute. I love these videos! I need to make mine but I'm panicking because it will be so awkward and not cute at all... But I will do it!!

    1. I actually just watched your video and LOVED IT

  4. Love your video! Trixie is super cute and I am definitely obsessed with my dog too. Eating can definitely be a hobby haha. Also, it is really exciting that you and Jake are moving to NY next year! Woohoo!

    xoxo Jess

  5. Yay we are birthday twins! And I am so sad that you don't like Disneyland, but I understand that it is not for everyone!!! Haha. So exciting that you guys are moving to New York, I seriously would be scared to move out there just because it is sooo different from living out here where I am used to. It certainly will be an adventure.

    1. Haahaha yes it certainly will be! At least I hope so! And I know. I feel like I will probably like Disneyland more if I go with kids? Idk

  6. Fun that you're moving to New York. : )
