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project 365 / 26-31

Sunday, February 1, 2015
Day 25 / I did an engagement shoot at Utah Lake and the sunset was just too good with the water! I'll post the link to the shoot later this week, but if you want pictures taken shoot me an email!

Day 27 / My place every morning! It's so peaceful in there. I love it.

Day 28 / I discovered the roof of my school building, so naturally some city pictures were necessary.

Day 29 / Making cake balls late at night. My mom bought flowers, so I finally accomplished the unwritten blogger rule of having flowers in my food pictures hahaha.

Day 30 / Eating cake balls. I hope I have a little girl one day who will appreciate the cuteness of the things I bake. (Not pregnant.)

Day 30 / A good day for getting pictures of my pets with their mouths open haha!

Day 30 / Trixie doing human things.

Day 31 / Eating the most delicious french toast at Magleby's Fresh (that's served all day). This picture is mega sucky, but you get the idea.

All in all, I'm proud of my first month of this project! I think I did pretty dec :)

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7 comments on "project 365 / 26-31"
  1. I showed Mark the pictures of Trixie and he said "I think it's kind of weird how obsessed you are with someone else's dog" and I was like yeah that's pretty true. I was dying at these pictures! Also, your cake balls look perfect. Like bakery perfection. I will be your daughter and appreciate them. Also creepy. Ok bye.

    1. HAHAH. Trixie is perfection. Also, I will start bringing you the cute treats I make then.

  2. I love the idea of a picture every day of the year! Your pets are too cute, especially your dog lookin' all human. I just had my first cake balls the other day, and yum!

    <3 Kelsey
    Chaos Parade

  3. Replies
    1. She has for a while! Ha! Like it takes her a second and she has to be really hungry, but she will just to eat.

  4. Trixie is so funny!! Haha I can't get over that picture of her sitting on the couch.
