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a happy list: 50 + iphone pictures

Monday, February 2, 2015
Me at the pharmacy aka Satan's lair. Also, covering acne. Also, jamming to Trey Songz.

I took a bunch of photos of Jake yawning, so here's a photo of him 2 seconds post yawn, because I am a nice wife. 

My niece will hate me so much for this in 10 years.

Avocado, olive oil, and pepper on toast. I'm tellin' ya.

I went to The Press and good thing their cold pressed apple cider is the best ever. I bought a bottle and brough it home to my mom and Jake, and my mom was like, "This tastes like an apple. I am literally drinking apples right now." HAHA. Anyways, you should definitely go there if you like apple cider and mini pies. (Also iPhone picture because I am too shy to take pictures of my food when I am alone in restaurants. I'm working on it.)

Talking to my friend about when Ross cheats (debatable) on Rachel in Friends. She sent the first text, and I didn't respond because I was making cake balls. Then she sent another one a few minutes later and was so confused hahaha. I was literally laughing so hard. I showed Jake and he like, didn't get it at all. 

Ok, shout out to my hair for a second. I have been being very nice to it (coconut oil hair masks every 4 days, only washing it every 4 days, no heat, air dry, braids, etc.) for a while now. I think I started being nice to it in July? I'm not sure. But it's actually growing! I took a shower and let it air dry, and I was just so please with it being long. Like it was hard to get it to fit into this picture. I still want it to grow another four-five inches, but hey! I'll take this for now!

Ok, I'll be straight up honest about the iPhone pictures. I have been doing school sooo much, and my internship I haven't had tons of time to do fun photography things. Plus, I've been doing the photo a day project, and I just got done editing an engagement shoot. So, basically time for personal photography is pretty non-existent, hence the photo dump. Anyways, on to a happy list!

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Finally buying VSCO Photoshop actions / The Press apple cider / Finding out American Hertige is canceled this coming week / The quinoa burgers my mother-in-law made / Finally trying Magleby's french toast and dying in a small heaven / Riding bikes on Friday night + visiting my friend's cute puppy / Creepin' on my visiting teaching companion on her walk outside my house, because she has a new puppy and it's ADORABLE. It's a sheepadoodle and it's adorable. Look it up. (It was a puppy filled week.) / Taking engagements / The Red Wonder from Waffleluv… I can't remember which reader recommended it to me, but thank you. You have made my life better. / When SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THE X-FILES THAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR SO LONG AND THOUGHT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. I am not going to be a jerk and ruin it for other people… but please email/text me if you are also an X-Files enthusiast and have watched seasons 1-8. 

Funny things people have said…

Jake (referring to the cake balls I had just made): "These look amazeballs!… Pun intended!"

My mom (pretending to listen to me, and responding to my question about what breed of dog starts with "sh"): "Sheepland… Shetland pony?" *leaves to unload groceries without realizing she suggested and entirely different animal*

My mom got an email from a friend and was about to open it on her phone.
Me: "Mom!! Don't open that! It's a scam! She's been hacked!" *pulls her away from her phone* "Why would Sharon send you an attachment??"

Me and Jake talking about how we were sad Trixie hadn't come downstairs looking for us. 
Jake: "She doesn't ask herself, "Where are my best friends?"

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12 comments on "a happy list: 50 + iphone pictures"
  1. I loled at the attachments thing hahaha. Also I feel ya about taking photos of food in restaurants. It makes me feel soooooooo lame. I'm getting better too tho!

    1. Agh if you lived here we could food adventure and be awkward together! :(!

  2. what are vsco photoshop options?? i like the sound of it already haha.

    xo, k

    1. They are basically like, short cuts to editing your photos. So if you have photoshop or lightroom, you can press play on like "portra" and it will edit your photos to look like portra. But you can make adjustments afterwards. It's amazing though! You should google it! A whole new world will be opened :)

  3. beautiful, beautiful hair! I wish I had the discipline that you do. I have been growing my hair out for a very long time and only recently started treating it better. But I'm not nearly as dedicated as you!

    1. you must be doing something right because your hair is gorgeous and sooo long! super jealous! :)

  4. VSCO photoshop actions?? Tell more!

    1. three comments up! or google "vsco photoshop actions before and after".

  5. Your hair does look really great! Mine is so dead ah :( Maybe I could be more kind to it.
    Also, A+ for the avo toast, always a winner.
    Are you enjoying the VSCO photoshop actions? I've been meaning to buy for so long, I think it will happen in Feb!

    1. YES. THEY ARE AMAZING. you will love them so much :)

  6. Great photos love this post it made me smile. xo
