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heart day

Thursday, February 19, 2015
So, I originally wasn't planning on a Valentine's Day post. I was just going to slam it into a "lately" post because school is killing me slowly. But, now I'm sitting in my American Heritage class and pretttttty bored to be honest. Like, literally this class is 2 1/2 hours long which is extra painful today! Although, the class average for the midterm was in the mid 40s… so that's making my 40% score sound much better! Sometimes I don't understand why teachers make their tests so hard. Like, if the average score is 40-50%, maybe you need to do some reevaluating haha! Oh well, I'm not complaining. I just went from a F to a B thanks to the Super Curve! 

Anyways, school rant over. Here are some images from our little Valentine's Day weekend. Are you sick of these posts yet? Haha. 

We accidentally matched! Jake walked in right when I was getting dressed and had my outfit all layed out. Needless to say, we are v in sync. ;)

We went to Gilgal Park after devouring some food from Hire's (which isn't pictured because I couldn't stop eating and it was a very real small heaven). Gilgal was strange and I don't understand it. I'm glad we didn't go to Salt Lake just to go there, but it was nice to finally see what it was all about.

The sunset view from our hotel room was amazing! It made me so excited to move our of our little town to a big city one day.

We tried so hard to spot someone falling at the Gallivan Center ice skating rink, but I guess they were all pros because no falls were witnessed. Look at those cutie Christmas lights though! I love when places have outdoor lighting. It just adds so much personality and festivity. It's honestly one of the main reasons I love Cafe Trio so much, haha!

We walked over to Pie Hole and were super trendy there, as you can tell by the graffit walls. Also, for once I had a sharpie in my bag while at a graffiti-approved place. So, naturally we immortalized ourselves on the wall and quoted Titanic, because we had just watched it and forgot how corny it was. Also, Leo is legit a small child fresh out the womb, so that was creepy to us.

All in all, it was so nice to get away for a second! I feel like everyone thinks they are the most busy person in the world, and no one is busier than they are. So, I try not to pull the "busy" card too often as to not madden the world. But, we have been swamped lately, so it was nice to just spend some time together just the two of us. 

Honestly, I'm not one for big parties or anything like that. I'm happiest when I'm just celebrating with one person, or like three max. Any more than that and I feel like it takes away from my event. I know it's super weird and there are probably lots of people out there who feel like they are offending me by not making a big deal out of things, or who think I am being like, passive and secretly hoping a big even is thrown for me. But honestly I appreciate it soooo much when people just let me do my own little thing with just a few people, even though it may not be the way they themselves would choose to celebrate. Introvert problems… right? Haha, but I'm just really glad that Jake understands that part of me, and doesn't force big events or parties on me with things like Valentine's Day, my birthday, graduation, etc. 

This is turning into a much longer post than I meant for it to be, but I guess I am just happy he understands how I like to celebrate and feel super lucky that I never have to feel awkward or upset with the way the holiday has gone!! I'm basically just obsessed with Jake, ok?

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day celebrating the love we all have for each other! Isn't it neat that there is literally a day dedicated to showing others how much you love them? Haha I love it.

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14 comments on "heart day"
  1. matching outfits on point! s'cute! I actually love gilgal, i know it is very weird tho. still one of my fav things in all of utah. I think that is a great thing that jake understands what kind of celebrations you like. lol sometimes I feel like I try to force big events on my husband even though he is more of an introvert. oops. you have given me a new perspective!

    1. introverts ftw haha. nah, just kidding, but yeah. speaking to people in their own love language is definitely important!

  2. I loveee your outfit! Those shoes are adorable!

  3. Man, I wish my husband understood my need for big fun parties! ha. I tell him every year that I want a surprise party. Never happens and probably never will. He's an introvert, so.

    1. haha! i will throw you a surprise party so be my neighbor.

  4. Gosh I really struggle with those teachers that purposely make their tests like... impossible ya know? And especially when they act all surprised when the whole class fails it! I mean if the whole class fails it's probably a teacher problem, not the class, haha. But that's just my rant. Anyway, the last picture is super cute. I also love celebrating things in smaller groups! But I love big parties too! That is fantastic that your hubby gets your introverted side, though. I feel like my husband and I are flip-flopped. He's more the introvert, and I'm totally not!

    1. RIGHT. ugh. yeah at least this teacher didn't act surprised, but still. i know what you mean.

  5. awesome photos, the view looks amazing!

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

  6. Umm those shoes though. I have orange ones just like it, the best!

  7. I work at the testing center and I assure you I'm not biotch haha. Looks like a fun life :)

    1. haha omg! you don't need to tell me, pretty sure you are a small angel from heaven!
