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Smoothie Stad

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
I know I spelled "stand" wrong haha. There used to be this fruit stand by my sister's house that had huge letters painted on it spelling "fruit stad". It cracked me up, but now it's gone. So, #inlovingmemory

This random smoothie stand popped up in this field by my house. It's kind of strange and suspicious, but also super cute :)

I don't know if I'm the biggest smoothie fan to begin with. I'll probably stick to my water... ahem... not Diet Dr. Pepper... just my water... ;)

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P.S. Everytime I use a winky face I'm reminded of that part in The Mindy Project where Morgan is like, "A winky face?! That's like emoji porn!!!!!!" Hahaha.
4 comments on "Smoothie Stad"
  1. I drink a smoothie every day! You gotta get into it! I also drink a dr pepper every day. Working on it. Not really.

  2. A smoothie stand sounds like such a cute idea though! Smoothies aren't for everyone, but they can definitely be delicious, depending on what yummy ingredients are added! :)
