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Thursday, September 3, 2015
You guys. I have been waiting to buy a wide angle lens for YEARS. I found one on Amazon for $150 and it was no question. For those of you who are like, "What is she talking about and why do I care?" LET ME SHOW YOU. You still probably won't care, but I searched the internet for HOURS to find selfies with different types of lenses and they exist nowhere. (This was research in deciding whether or not I needed a wide angle, mind you:)) So, here you go, internet world. I'm solving your problem of lacking DSLR selfie comparisons :)

Here is a selfie taken on my D600 with a 50mm lens.

Super close to my face, right?! Yikes!!! Alright, this next photo, my friends, is taken at the EXACT SAME LENGTH except with my new 28mm lens.

What? Is that a shirt? Is that a... body?!?! Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I was able to take a picture of myself and get my head AND body in it. Yay for wide angle lenses!!!! 

I am so happy. Life has never been better. We're going to Seattle soon and I am SO EXCITED to finally being able to get those cool trip pictures. I am also excited that we can take pictures together :) I hate hate hate hate asking strangers to take our pictures. They literally always turn out not focused.

Anyway, I'm done. But this lens is totes amazeballs. If you shoot Nikon and need a cheap wide angle, RUN TO AMAZON AND BUY IT

I know so many people get annoyed with all caps but it's the only way I can adequately convey my excitement haha. Anyway, if you want to meet irl and shoot please please email me. I want to get back into portraits :) 

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16 comments on "A NEW LENS AT LAST"
  1. I love this post! If the lens was for a Canon, I would go buy it right now at that price, because you sold me. Your selfie game is about to get real.

    1. There is a 24mm for canon that I've read is pretty similar... If that helps

    2. Haha the selfie game IS about to get real.

    3. Thank you Shelbie!! I know exactly what I'm buying myself for Christmas this year.

  2. YAY NEW CAMERA GOODIES! That's the best feeling in the world! So glad you're enjoying it! :)

  3. It's too bad I shoot with Canon because I NEEEED this!

    1. There is a 24mm for canon that I've read is pretty similar... If that helps

  4. Times like this I wish I didn't shoot canon! I'm on the hunt for a good wide angle lens.. I love how they shoot!

    Dearest Lou
