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A Happy List: 82

Monday, September 7, 2015
Getting the window seat on airplanes. / Seeing landmarks from so high above (Antelope Island and maybe Mt. Rainer?) / My niece in her baby burrito. / When my brother took a selfie with me. (Without me even initiating!) / Jake has been calling Trixie "Richard Anderson" lately, just out of the blue. We think it's funny. Anyway, we hop on our flight and they start playing this little intro video. It starts with, "Hi, I'm Richard Anderson, and I'd like to welcome you to Delta." Jake and I both looked at each other with our eyes so wide and our mouths hanging open in shock hahaha. It was so so funny. / Dried fruit logs dipped in coconut flakes. / Everything about my uncle's wedding. It was so pretty. / When scones are moist and not balls of flour. / PUMPKIN SPICE SEASON AT STARBUCK'S. / How excited Trixie was to see us after we came home from our trip.

Seattle posts are coming soon, you guys. Prepare yourselves.

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2 comments on "A Happy List: 82"
  1. yessssss i am so pleased to hear you love pumpkin spice season from starbucks too. i am so excited about that!!

    1. YAY! You should try getting 2 pumps pumpkin spice, 1 pump caramel, and 1 pump vanilla (steamer). It's SO GOOD.
