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A Happy List: 84

Monday, September 21, 2015
Watching a Christmas movie at the dentist. / Buying Christmas presents for my family and Jake's family. (I know I am so early but when I saw their presents I figured, "Eh. Why not?") / Finally watching About Time. / When Ross yells, "MY APOTHECARY TABLE!!!!". / When Trixie tried to jump up on the couch, but fell off, tried again, and fell off again bringing her bed with her. / My coworkers. They're just awesome and I'm obsessed with them. / Getting an email from a journal that may or may not be publishing my paper? / Mannon Mathews "high school" vines. Here and here. / The new Snapchat update. / How deep teenagers are in all teen soaps hahahaha. I'm watching "If I Stay" right now and it's so funny.

12 comments on "A Happy List: 84"
  1. So I knocked out round THREE of Christmas shopping over the weekend. I have three kids and never get started until the week of Christmas, but NOT THIS YEAR. I WILL WIN CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR. And early. *internet high five*

    1. What you have rounds of Christmas shopping? #hardcore. YOU DO WIN CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR.

  2. About Time is my favorite movie of all time!!!!

  3. this is a stunning photo of you. also ROSS IS THE FUNNIEST. also i tried the birthday cake shake from zaxby's on my birthday per your recommendation (i'm pretty sure it was you) and it was DELIGHTFUL.

  4. I loved If I Stay, because that boyfriend kid is a BABE. But yeah, teenagers are not that smart irl.
    I reallyyyyy wanna start Christmas shopping soon :D

    1. Hahahahahahah I love that you love the boyfriend.

  5. I've been meaning to watch About Time! SO BAD. I've been meaning to start Christmas shopping too, but somehow I ended up ordering an iPhone6s >.< Whoopsie #soznotsoz Congrats on the journal possibly publishing your paper! That is awesome! :D

    1. YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY WATCH IT. And hey, treat yoself.

  6. Hahah YES!!! Friends is everything. It never gets old! And that's so rad about a journal publishing your paper! Your so offish!
