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A Happy List: 83

Monday, September 14, 2015
The way the earth smells after it rains. / Nailing our at-home P-egg-asus. / JCWs fries. / When Jake said, "fruit of my loins" and then I was just thinking about what it would be like if people said "vegetable" instead of "fruit" in sayings like that. I asked Jake, "Do you know what would be funny?" And he said, "If people said vegetable instead of fruit." And we were so on the same page it was amazing. #powercouple. / Editing pictures again (and shooting!) / Discovering the prettiest park in Provo with Jovanna. / When two of my coworkers thought I was mid-twenties because I have an "older personality". / Rocking Trixie to sleep. / Creating a studio in my house. / Driving to work during the sunrise.

Currently rocking Trixie who is swaddled in a blanket so cya

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4 comments on "A Happy List: 83"
  1. The "vegetable" story is too funny. I love when things like that happen!

    1. I do too haha. It makes me feel like some sort of mind reading thing is going on lol

  2. Oh my goodness I love this capture so much <3

    Cec || Dearest Lou
