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Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 4

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Ok can I just say that we got from Bainbridge Island to the airport without a car and it was awesome? We walked to the ferry -> took the ferry to Seattle -> walked to the light rail -> and then took the light rail to the airport! We saved probably $50. Sometimes it sucks to be a poor college student, but it's so fun too. I love not having tons of money to spend on vacations so we are forced to just explore and make it fun. :)

The ferry ride is so pretty always. I love it so much <3.

We stopped at Top Pot Donuts on our way to the train station. Chocolate raspberry cake and old fashioned :) Their hot chocolate wasn't super good, but when I have anything warm in a mug I can't complain.

We had zero weed experiences until we got in the elevator to get back down to the street. We could have sworn someone had been hotboxing in there or something haha!

I tried to get some more of those delicious dried fruit logs from the heavens, but THE SHOP WAS CLOSED. It was the saddest day ever. There were seriously only a few shops that were closed for memorial day and it was one of them. I should have bought them out while I had the chance haha! I didn't want to leave empty handed so I bought some more apple cider. I tried the lavendar and didn't like it as much as the peach, but it was still so good.

Saying goodbye to Seattle and Bainbridge was so hard :/ but we will be back! My uncle and his wife said they will apartment swap us haha so yay!

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8 comments on "Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 4"
  1. Ooh, apartment swapping sounds like fun!
    Love the photos of the bouquets!

  2. This is so cute. You guys are so cute. I miss the Pacific Northwest so much!

  3. That sounds like quite the adventure to the airport. I have yet to visit Bainbridge but want to go one of these days since we visit Washington often (:

    Cec || Dearest Lou

  4. your pictures are always SO dreamy!
