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Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 3

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Ok, so this day was so funny. I woke up early and took a shower. Right in the middle of shampooing my hair and washing my face the power went out! I seriously FREAKED out. I ran out of the bathroom butt naked, flinging water, face wash, and shampoo everywhere while desperately searching for a light switch. I kept yelling, "JAKE SOS JAKE SOS". He woke up and was so confused haha. It was just weird because when the lights went out my water kept going? 

Anyway, it took about 2 hours for the power to come back on. I kept imagining we were in The Walking Dead just trying to survive hahahahaha. I love stuff like that. 

This scone from Fat Apple Bakery was soooo good. It was chocolate chip and so moist. I always feel like I'm eating a ball of flour when I eat scones haha. To this day I have only had two scones that were good: Fat Apple Bakery's and Normandie's. <3

In the morning we drove to Poulsbo and it was seriously the cutest little town. We walked around and got treats. I shot tons of film this day, so more pictures will be coming when I can scrounge up the funds to pay for it all haha.

Hotel room chillin' before the wedding :) Don't you just love when the lighting is so soft and so perfect? I don't know why I've never thought of doing a photoshoot in a hotel room before, but I'm definitely adding it to my list.

THIS WAS MY UNCLE'S WEDDING YOU GUYS. How amazing is that location? It was so green and so pretty and had that perfect overcast glow.

'Twas a great day! We did a bunch of family pictures this day, but for privacy reasons I'll just post mine and Jake's.

(When you're trying to take a jumping picture but you're also a giant.)

I feel like the editing I did on the family pictures is more my ideal style than most of the work I've done, so that's exciting! :)!

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17 comments on "Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 3"
  1. These are awesome pictures! My favorites are the car and the hotel pics :).

  2. ^^agree. I don't know if I've told you this before, but I srsly love the "moody" style of your photos. It's exactly how I want all my photos to look some day. I might be in Utah for a few days at the end of October. If so, could I maybe follow you around on a mini photo date and then watch you edit some pictures? My photography needs so much help, and you have the best skillz.

    1. I LOVE THIS. I honestly feel like no one likes it haha. And yes! You can definitely follow me around on a mini photo date! Email me :)

  3. You guys are soooooo cute I can't handle it

    1. big time lol at this coming up as "mrs. hanni"

    2. Ok same haha. The first time I saw it I literally did lol

  4. I'm obsessed with your lighting!! It's beyond perfect. I don't know anything about photography but I still like it ha

    1. Thanks Becky! I'm happy to hear you like it cause I felt like I was going to be the only one

  5. your trip looks like a serious dream, i think it's the lighting in all of your pictures. it's peeeeeerfect! & i really love the picture of you & jake kissing, it's adorable, & the jumping ones. you take a good jumping picture, i always look insane when i try to do it haha

    1. SO GLAD YOU LIKE THE LIGHTING. That's so funny you say that about the jumping pictures because I feel like I always look like an idiot hahahahah

  6. I live in Washington and these posts are making me fall even more in love with it!

  7. These photos are gorgeous! Um, pick me for photo shoot in hotel room! Such a fun idea! I need VSCO options baaaaaaad.

    xo, Kiely

    1. You do! They help you so much :) Everyone says they make anyone into a photographer cause they do everything for you ahahaha
