Our second day on Bainbridge Island was pretty chill. We just wandered around, exploring. I love walking around while on vacation, because then I feel like I'm really getting to see everywhere there is to see haha. We started off the day with Pegasus Coffee and it was SO GOOD. They had these baked P-egg-asus meals that were delish. It was baked egg, with olive oil, your choice of cheese, and english muffins/toast! I bought all the ingredients at the grocery story yesterday so Jake can make it for me at home haha. (He is the egg making master.)
We wandered around the marina after breakfast and there were jellyfish in the water?! It was so weird haha. They were just like, chillin next to a bunch of boats? Jellyfish are so strange.
We walked the waterfront trail for a while, but then ended up just wandering around neighborhoods, looking at all the cute houses.
I proposed to Jake while we were sitting here because it was too pretty ;) If I lived in one of the houses up the street I would be at this spot every day! Those Bainbridge-ians are too lucky :)
We saw this trail and wanted to see where it went. It was kind of cool, but it also led us into a neighborhood. It was so random. One second we were on this completely natural, unbothered natrual trail and the next second we were walking up the side of someone's house. Ha!
We ate at Woodfire pizza for lunch. I filled up on lavendar ice cream so Jake rocked these pieces by himself :)
Look at all those trees! I DIE, YOU GUYS, I DIE.
The rest of the night was spent at my uncle's pre-wedding dinner with family. We ate at the Treehouse Cafe and it was SO GOOD. They had such good pizza, but the ceasar salad was to die for. Definitely add it to your list.
I'm missing those green trees so much right now </3 They just call my name, ya know?
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