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Video With Riley!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
You guys. I have lol-ed at this video so many times. Riley is literally the funniest person.

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A Happy List: 85

Monday, September 28, 2015
(Throwback photo from my old blog that is so embarrassing it is now private. Should I start posting snippets from it?)

Black buns at Burger King. / The puppy I saw at the drag races. / The way the air feels when you first walk into my basement. / Discover weekly playlists from Spotify. / When Riley says, "Who am I, Avril Lavigne?" in our video, and then Sk8tr Boi starts playing. I laughed so hard at this I cried real tears. / The old guy at my work filming me sign papers. So random haha. / Watching the lunar eclipse. / Finding my camera remote! / Getting a new calling in church. / Finding my phone charger.

It's been a while since I've done some funny things people have said. Honestly I just forget and am too wrapped up in the moment to think of any. This week, however, I lol-ed MANY times.

- We were talking about the hajj and my mom was like, "Where do all these people go to the bathroom?!" Jake said, "I don't know, probably diapers or something." 
- I was saying how I wanted to create my own religion/lifestyle based off the amish except everyone would be vegetarian. I called it, vege-tamish, but my mom thought I said vege-thomas. The funniest part was that she didn't question anything and was just like, "Oh yeah, that makes sense. Vege-thomas."

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Neopolitan Cake

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

If you haven't already discovered The Chocolate... discover it. If you haven't tried their neopolitan cake... how are you still alive? IT'S SO GOOD. I have been waiting weeks for it to be neopolitan cake again. (They do a different "weekend flavor" every week.) 

SO CHEERS TO NEOPOLITAN CAKE. Go there! It's cute and delicious!

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Delish Baked Egg: A Recipe

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Be warned. This is the most delicious breakfast. 

You'll need:
an egg or two
gruyère cheese (how fancy do I sound saying that?!)
olive oil
an english muffin
an oven safe dish

- line your dish with olive oil, slap an egg in there but don't break the yolk, and sprinkle the cheese on the top.
- bake at 400 for 9-11 minutes, or until your egg is as cooked as you like it.

YOU'RE WELCOME. I am obsessed with this. We ate it at at Pegasus Coffee House on Bainbridge Island and I will never forget it. #foodcrush <3

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A Happy List: 84

Monday, September 21, 2015
Watching a Christmas movie at the dentist. / Buying Christmas presents for my family and Jake's family. (I know I am so early but when I saw their presents I figured, "Eh. Why not?") / Finally watching About Time. / When Ross yells, "MY APOTHECARY TABLE!!!!". / When Trixie tried to jump up on the couch, but fell off, tried again, and fell off again bringing her bed with her. / My coworkers. They're just awesome and I'm obsessed with them. / Getting an email from a journal that may or may not be publishing my paper? / Mannon Mathews "high school" vines. Here and here. / The new Snapchat update. / How deep teenagers are in all teen soaps hahahaha. I'm watching "If I Stay" right now and it's so funny.

A Video Of Our Trip And Then I'm Done I PROMISE.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Sorry I thought I already posted this haha! Ok I'm done with vacation posts. I promise!

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Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 4

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Ok can I just say that we got from Bainbridge Island to the airport without a car and it was awesome? We walked to the ferry -> took the ferry to Seattle -> walked to the light rail -> and then took the light rail to the airport! We saved probably $50. Sometimes it sucks to be a poor college student, but it's so fun too. I love not having tons of money to spend on vacations so we are forced to just explore and make it fun. :)

The ferry ride is so pretty always. I love it so much <3.

We stopped at Top Pot Donuts on our way to the train station. Chocolate raspberry cake and old fashioned :) Their hot chocolate wasn't super good, but when I have anything warm in a mug I can't complain.

We had zero weed experiences until we got in the elevator to get back down to the street. We could have sworn someone had been hotboxing in there or something haha!

I tried to get some more of those delicious dried fruit logs from the heavens, but THE SHOP WAS CLOSED. It was the saddest day ever. There were seriously only a few shops that were closed for memorial day and it was one of them. I should have bought them out while I had the chance haha! I didn't want to leave empty handed so I bought some more apple cider. I tried the lavendar and didn't like it as much as the peach, but it was still so good.

Saying goodbye to Seattle and Bainbridge was so hard :/ but we will be back! My uncle and his wife said they will apartment swap us haha so yay!

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Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 3

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Ok, so this day was so funny. I woke up early and took a shower. Right in the middle of shampooing my hair and washing my face the power went out! I seriously FREAKED out. I ran out of the bathroom butt naked, flinging water, face wash, and shampoo everywhere while desperately searching for a light switch. I kept yelling, "JAKE SOS JAKE SOS". He woke up and was so confused haha. It was just weird because when the lights went out my water kept going? 

Anyway, it took about 2 hours for the power to come back on. I kept imagining we were in The Walking Dead just trying to survive hahahahaha. I love stuff like that. 

This scone from Fat Apple Bakery was soooo good. It was chocolate chip and so moist. I always feel like I'm eating a ball of flour when I eat scones haha. To this day I have only had two scones that were good: Fat Apple Bakery's and Normandie's. <3

In the morning we drove to Poulsbo and it was seriously the cutest little town. We walked around and got treats. I shot tons of film this day, so more pictures will be coming when I can scrounge up the funds to pay for it all haha.

Hotel room chillin' before the wedding :) Don't you just love when the lighting is so soft and so perfect? I don't know why I've never thought of doing a photoshoot in a hotel room before, but I'm definitely adding it to my list.

THIS WAS MY UNCLE'S WEDDING YOU GUYS. How amazing is that location? It was so green and so pretty and had that perfect overcast glow.

'Twas a great day! We did a bunch of family pictures this day, but for privacy reasons I'll just post mine and Jake's.

(When you're trying to take a jumping picture but you're also a giant.)

I feel like the editing I did on the family pictures is more my ideal style than most of the work I've done, so that's exciting! :)!

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A Happy List: 83

Monday, September 14, 2015
The way the earth smells after it rains. / Nailing our at-home P-egg-asus. / JCWs fries. / When Jake said, "fruit of my loins" and then I was just thinking about what it would be like if people said "vegetable" instead of "fruit" in sayings like that. I asked Jake, "Do you know what would be funny?" And he said, "If people said vegetable instead of fruit." And we were so on the same page it was amazing. #powercouple. / Editing pictures again (and shooting!) / Discovering the prettiest park in Provo with Jovanna. / When two of my coworkers thought I was mid-twenties because I have an "older personality". / Rocking Trixie to sleep. / Creating a studio in my house. / Driving to work during the sunrise.

Currently rocking Trixie who is swaddled in a blanket so cya

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Seattle/Bainbridge: Day 2

Thursday, September 10, 2015
Our second day on Bainbridge Island was pretty chill. We just wandered around, exploring. I love walking around while on vacation, because then I feel like I'm really getting to see everywhere there is to see haha. We started off the day with Pegasus Coffee and it was SO GOOD. They had these baked P-egg-asus meals that were delish. It was baked egg, with olive oil, your choice of cheese, and english muffins/toast! I bought all the ingredients at the grocery story yesterday so Jake can make it for me at home haha. (He is the egg making master.)

We wandered around the marina after breakfast and there were jellyfish in the water?! It was so weird haha. They were just like, chillin next to a bunch of boats? Jellyfish are so strange.

We walked the waterfront trail for a while, but then ended up just wandering around neighborhoods, looking at all the cute houses. 

I proposed to Jake while we were sitting here because it was too pretty ;) If I lived in one of the houses up the street I would be at this spot every day! Those Bainbridge-ians are too lucky :)

We saw this trail and wanted to see where it went. It was kind of cool, but it also led us into a neighborhood. It was so random. One second we were on this completely natural, unbothered natrual trail and the next second we were walking up the side of someone's house. Ha!

We ate at Woodfire pizza for lunch. I filled up on lavendar ice cream so Jake rocked these pieces by himself :)

Look at all those trees! I DIE, YOU GUYS, I DIE. 

The rest of the night was spent at my uncle's pre-wedding dinner with family. We ate at the Treehouse Cafe and it was SO GOOD. They had such good pizza, but the ceasar salad was to die for. Definitely add it to your list. 

I'm missing those green trees so much right now </3 They just call my name, ya know? 

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