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The One With The Corny Video

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Guys, it's week 2 of the Flog Challenge. So, I'll just leave this here.

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A Happy List: 76

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Agnes and Dora warehouse sale. / Cheez-It grooves. / The preview for The Secret Life of Pets. / Finally getting The Long Walk in the mail and LOVING IT. / All the people at my new job. / Watching Friends. / The chickpea salad from Potbelly's. / I got a text from a random number that had all these pictures of girls wearing thongs over their jeans. I was so confused until I realized that I knew the girls from high school! They had a bachelorette party for someone, and sent the pictures to me instead of a different Emily who was there hahahahaha. / The rain drizzle that happened one day. / Getting breakfast at my work meetings.

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The One With The Sprinkles

Thursday, July 23, 2015

I had so much fun taking these pictures for Avarca. My original shoot idea fell through for various reasons, so I had to come up with something else. I was so worried it wasn't going to be as cool, but I actually think these turned out better than my original idea! So yay!

Ok, now can we please talk about these shoes? They are all over Pinterest and for good reason. SO COMFORTABLE YOU GUYS. I usually buy really cheap shoes, so it is seriously so nice to have a pair of really nice quality sandals. They are probably the nicest quality you can get for under $100! Anyway, I'm not being paid to say this or anything, I just really like them. And the yellow!!! So cute! Also weirdly something else I like about them is the fact that they don't show my toenails but still give my toes air? I don't know if that makes sense but basically I am super lazy and my toenails always look like crap, so I like that these hide them without making my feet sweaty. TMI?? 

Basically I am way obsessed with these. #avarcashavemyheart

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The One With Flog

Tuesday, July 21, 2015
So my friend Leah is a genius and created this weekly video challenge thing. This week's challenge was a get to know you video! I already kind of made one of these with random facts, so it was fun to make one with more... relevant information? Anyway, enjoy!

*Also, forgive the super exposed part where the sun decided to come out and kill my vibe.*

Click here to go to Leah's blog and see all the other videos people posted! 

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A Happy List: 75

Monday, July 20, 2015
Colored keyboard stickers. / Donuts in the shape of numbers. / The rain lately. / Watching The Twilight Zone. / Finding a good deal on film. / Feeling like I'm progressing again. / The way people talk in old movies, it's like they have an accent of some sort. / Trixie falling asleep while sitting up hahaha. / My niece smiling while spitting up everywhere. / My nephew saying "hi" now.

Here are some funny things people said...

My sister: "I saw a shirt once that said that, "hangry"!"
Me: "That was me!! In my shirt!!"

TMI but I was walking out of the bathroom naked and Jake was on the couch. I walked out and he turned to me and said, "Eve" and held out his hand haha.

My mom trying to get my niece to eat: "Do you want to grow or do you want your body to shrink into nothingness??"

I was sitting on a stuffed animal across the room from my mom. There was a dresser between us. After a few minutes she said, "Emily, are you in this room still?"

My sister was telling me how much her husband loves boiled peanuts. They were telling me not to get it confused with boiled penis right as I was putting it into the "gifts to get people" note in my phone. Needless to say I accidentally wrote "Cajun boiled penis" instead hahahah.

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I honestly almost forgot to post this! I started my first full time job today and it sort of just slipped my mind!

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The One With All The Chocolate

Sunday, July 19, 2015
Goodbye, chocolate shop. You were very, very good to me.

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The One With The 1,000th Day Of Dating

Thursday, July 16, 2015
I feel so stupid for this now? For some reason, a long time ago I thought it would be fun to set all sorts of count downs on my phone. Count downs are how I survive, you guys. Anyway, so I set one for our 1,000th day of dating, because I thought it seemed like such a far away day. So it's weird that it's here now? Because I can remember setting it and being like, "Ha!! This is so crazy! A thousand days of dating! Can you even imagine?!" And now it's here and I'm like, "I guess we'll go to Chipotle to celebrate?"


Anyway, so my friend Jovanna is SO AMAZING AT PHOTOGRAPHY. She took these pictures of us and I'm obsessed with them. I choose a rooftop and my convertible because of #memorypurposes. We're selling my car in the spring, so I kind of wanted to remember it because it's the first nicer car I've had. And as much as I hate driving, I really do love my car. Anyway, we decided on the rooftop kind of not knowing how it would turn out, but I actually really love how it looks!!

If you're in Utah definitely book Jovanna before she moves to Texas! And if you're in Texas, yay for you! You have an amazing photographer living amidst the others :)

I am going to try not to photo overload this... so let's see how I do.

I didn't do that bad, did I?

Go follow her photography blog here to see all her beautiful shots!!

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G I V E A W A Y: F I R M O O

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Hi guys. Do you want some cute, free glasses from Firmoo, my love? Then enter this giveaway! 

Firmoo is my FAVE. I can't tell you how obsessed I am with them. In fact, the pair of black frames that I usually wear are from Firmoo! They are such a good quality pair of glasses. Firmoo also has such fun colors and styles. I don't know, sometimes while I'm glasses shopping I feel like nothing is "my vibe"? Anyway, Firmoo is TOTALLY my vibe! Ha! I'm clearly obsessed...


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The One With The Breakfast Of Champions

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Trixie and I had dessert for breakfast on Friday morning because that's how we roll. Chewy sent her these apple dumpling treats and I had 3 Reese's sitting in my fridge so how could we not, ya know??

I told my mom to smell one of the treats because they smell SO GOOD. Like, I'm debating trying one? I already know what the outcome will be, but they seriously smell like delicious little apple cinnamon bites. (Update: Since I have written this post I did, indeed, try one. It wasn't something I would eat daily, but it really wasn't that bad. It just had a weird texture. Ha, I'm like an official crazy dog lady now, eating dog treats.)

Anyway. I'm still obsessed with Trixie. What else is new. Oh, and I'm trying to up my photography game and I feel like I accomplished what I wanted to with these pictures, so that's good news.

Thanks again to Chewy for making Trixie's life so much tastier!! If she could talk I'm sure she would be constantly begging me for more treats. :)

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A Happy List: 74

Monday, July 13, 2015
Mindy Khaling / When Trixie lays on my chest and rests her face on my collarbone. / Finally perfecting my tofu recipe. / Reaching my goal weight. / Finding classic books at Costco with cute covers. / Finishing an art project I have been meaning to get to for a long time. / Straightening my hair for the first time in a long time and realizing it's past boob!!!!!! / Getting my job situation sorted out. / Jake's squeezes. / Jake got a motorcycle and he is so so so happy about it and it's making me so happy to see him so happy!!

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The One With The Video I Forgot To Post

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Happy List: 73

Monday, July 6, 2015

The way the world smells after fireworks. / Three-story park. / The name Beverly wrote on my letter envelope. / Trixie's sleeping positions. / That moment when your leg is in the process of falling asleep and feels tingly, but not itchy and gross. / Teenagers. / Apple pie caramel apples. / Going on walks with my mom. / Everyone's love for Trixie. / The stray dog I pet last night. / 

I feel like I'm going to stop writing down funny things people say, because I'm always laughing so hard I forget to make a note of it? The only thing I can remember from this week is when Jake was telling his mom about where we ate and said "St. Aubergine and something?" instead of "Aubergine and Company." I loved the "St." addition haha. 

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P.S. Is the 24th of July celebrated everywhere? Or is that just a Utah thing?

Anniversary Part 2: The One Where We Picnicked With Dead Fish

Thursday, July 2, 2015
We ate breakfast at Eva Bakery! I've been wanting to go here for forever. We actually tried to two years ago for my birthday but went to Eva instead. So, please note there is an Eva and an Eva Bakery. They are on the same street like two blocks apart. I wasn't the biggest fan of my french toast because I'm not a cream cheese person, but I want to go back and try something else because it all looked so good. They also had some fun macarons that were crazy flavors.

Sunday was our actual anniversary so we still wanted to do fun things even though we weren't in Salt Lake anymore. We picnicked at Tibble Fork and explored the other side of the lake! All the good picnic spots were taken, so we just threw our blanket on this dirt slope. I looked down at the water and there were like, three dead fish just staring at me with their dead fish eyes. They were like, no more than five feet away from me :( Not the most ideal, but at least our food was good and cute ha!

I ended up dying while hiking because it was a hundred degrees and we were HIKING. So, we asked Jake's aunt if we could use her pool and it was a blast! The water was so perfect and we had the pool to ourselves and we played horse on makeshift-floatie-horses and it was just awesome. So, shoutout to her for being the best. 

Also, few things have ever made me happier than that glitter macaron. While I was eating them Jake was like, "I get it now. Macarons are a complete experience for you." I was like, "What do you mean?" He said, "Well, you go to a cute shop and pick them out and then get them in cute packaging and take pictures of them and then eat them. It's not just about the macaron, it's about the whole experience." HAHA.

After swimming we ate some pizza and scooter rode to three story park to watch the sunset. All in all, a v good anniversary weekend. I'm really lovin' the whole trips instead of presents thing!

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