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Saturday, November 8, 2014
I lost my red lipstick and have been so sad. I ended up ordering a new dark purple thinking it would be fun to try a new color, but I just really miss the red haha. Luckily, I got another email from Delta Skymiles saying there were offering 10 sky miles per dollar spent at Nordstrom, so I took that as a sign that I should just give up hope on finding my red lipstick and buy a new one.

Ended up being obsessed with shadows lately and it turns out the window in my front room is 100% perfect.

Every picture I have of my mom looks like this. Do you think I'm joking? I'm not HAHA.

Cutest face peeking out at me while studying for my test.

Skully hit me up at the door with dried flowers all over her like it was nothing. I'm like, "You should be embarrassed and this is also what you get for being so mean."

Ask me how I feel about the grade I got on my Drugs test. 

So far, since getting my hair cut mid-October-ish I have only used heat on it ONCE (for my halloween costume). Between that, not washing my hair every day (I still shower don't worry LOL), and coconut oil masks I feel like my hair is FINALLY becoming super healthy and thick. So, these lasts few weeks braids have been the most lifesaver of all. There's probably lots more coming so prep for that.

*When I refer to hair I'm definitely excluding my bangs haha (I don't know why they're separate in my mind, they just are for some reason. I wish I could get them to look like this without it!*

Also been randomly into try new foods? Darn those festive Pinterest photos. Anyways, I made pumpkin waffle bites, white chocolate and blackberry s'mores, honey and apple toast, and this morning eggs and cheese on toast because the other recipes were horrible. HAHA. The woes of using Pinterest recipes, am I right?!

My nice sister and her husband took us to Relient K for her birthday. Mega throwback to when Sadie Hawkin's Dance was the favorite song of everyone. / My sister's dog has a plaid Christmas outfit and it's literally the cutest. / More braids. I told you! But really, double fishtails is my new favorite thing. It works so well with beanies and saves the most time.

I thought I was done with tests until finals week, but it turns out I have a neurobiology test next week! So, wish me luck!

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19 comments on "lately"
  1. that purple looks amazing on you! i just recently rediscovered the joys of lipstick again, haha. and i need to give my hair some extra love as well - do you just use coconut oil or make a mixture out of it with something else? :)
    xo, cheyenne

    1. It depends! Sometimes I mix it with a little bit of olive oil in a bow, and then just dip my hair in there until it's completely soaked. Other times, I just put straight up coconut oil on my hair and massage it into it. I'm 100% not a hair expert though, so you could probably google some coconut oil hair mask recipes and they will be better than my recommendations haha.

  2. Love that lip shade! Very pretty. I adore these "Lately" posts too.

    Warm Regards,

  3. Hi!!!
    I think you had a great time lately! :)
    I reeeally like you in photo number 6!! :D

    Have a nice start in week!...and goood luck!

  4. I like the purple lipstick, you wear it well :). Also, I like your plates. What kind are they?

  5. Your hair looks so good! I've been going without heat tools since we moved hear 3 months ago, and I'll be without them for the next 18 months, too. I'm hoping to just let it grow and grow and grow, and in the meantime, braids every day :)

    Question: I've heard wonderful things about coconut oil for the hair. How do you use it? Do you just put a little on after you wash your hair? A lot on before you wash your hair? I've been washing my hair every third day and using Moroccan oil after, but I'm not above adding extra coconut oil on top of that if my hair could be as shiny as yours.

    1. Yes seriously! I feel like braids are amazing for letting it grow, but I don't know much about hair stuff so I could be wrong haha.

      Coconut oil: I only wash my hair every 4-5 days (depending on what events there are/what my school schedule has been like) so usually like an hour before I wash it I put in coconut oil/a coconut oil mixture, and then pull it into a bun and do my thang. Then I usually rinse it off a bit in the shower before I put on shampoo and conditioner. Also, I generally just put it on halfway up my hair, and leave like the top 5-6 inches dry (so there isn't oil dripping down my face). Oh, and also I DermOrganic Leave In Treatment my hair in the mornings a lot. Hope that helps!

  6. So glad I stumbled upon your blog- I love your posts! And I'm kinda jealous you can have cute bangs like that and not even use heat

  7. Your braids are the cutest. Also I'm like way into purple lips, never thought I'd say that but this fall I am just loving all things berry for mah lips. So I love that color you are wearing. Good luck on your test!

    1. thank you! i accidentally got the wrong color, i was trying to get "sin" by mac but i didn't know that's what color it was at the time haha. so if you're loving purple lips you should try that color out!

  8. I know you're into red and everything but I think the purpleish color looks soooo good on you. especially with your dark hair. your hair really does look so healthy! do you color it? i only ask because the color is sooooo rich and nice! if its natural you are so lucky!

    1. not regularly. i colored it all black last winter to get rid of my teal, and then i colored it a few months ago. but it's always close to my regular color so regrowth just blends in.


    and the dark lipstick looks so good.

    1. you are life and i'm returning the lipstick hahaha.

  10. It's so cute how much you look like your mom.
    Also, sooo excited for Thanksgiving. We'll be there November 26-December 1 :)
    We've gotta have a fun birthday celebration. Take me to places where they give you free food for your birthday....

    1. haha we get that sooo much. and yay! i know starbuck's does free drinks, but we'll definitely have to look around and hook ya up hahaha

  11. I've been doing the same thing to my hair, coconut oil is great. I feel like it's finally getting healthy again after the binge of blow outs I had at the dry bar earlier this year. :/ Those pumpkin waffle bites looks AMAZING!


    1. what is a dry bar? and don't make the pumpkin waffle bites! they are NOT GOOD. make smitten kitchen buttermilk waffles and you will be in a small waffle heaven.

  12. I love your lip colour:)
