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Weekend Links

Sunday, August 13, 2017
Cool internet things:
  • This picture makes me LOL. 
  • Always down for a good Harry Potter fan theory
  • HI SEATTLE AND L.A. FRIENDS. Please do this so I can live vicariously through you. 
  • If you like scary stories, read this Twitter thread! 
  • It may be slightly inappropriate to share on this blog, but this movie actually looks really good lol. Also I kind of thought it was a joke at first. 

People you need to follow on social media:
  • Two of my very good friends have joined the blog world! Show them some love here and here!
  • This little photo guide is so helpful! It made me realize my camera has interval mode and my life will NEVER be the same. (Seriously.) Also just that whole blog is cute. 
  • If you don't already follow this gem, plz do. Her Instagram stories this past week about her legal battles with her original ideas were painful! #prayforher
  • These bangs are 10/10. Style as well. 
  • Just everywhere she goes on this blog looks amazing.
Idk about you guys, but I am READY for fall to be here. It's prob my fave season in New England (duh). All these sweaters are under $20 and I want all of them:

Songs I'm loving:

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