How far along? 5 weeks
Gender: Boy
Sleep: He puts himself to sleep every night at like 9:00! It's so cute. He sleeps in his crate every night and actually really likes it. He doesn't whine or anything when we put him in.
Likes: Sitting with me while I'm in the bathroom.
His bulldog friend at daycare.
Looking in the mirror at himself. (This pic is from our puppycam haha.)
Dislikes: When we don't let him greet other dogs on his walk. He lays down until they leave. In this particular situation the other dog wasn't moving either. So eventually his owner brought him over. They sniffed each other and then moved on lol.
Milestones: He learned how to get on the couch!
He learned how to watch T.V. with me.
Best moment this week: When he learned how to jump up on the bed! I've been waiting for this moment forever.
Food cravings: He ate a Cheese It that I dropped on the ground. Other than that we give him 0 people food.
What I'm looking forward to: Him getting older and becoming calmer haha!
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E and Tucker
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