So probably the best thing about our new apartment is that it is in proximity to the city in Connecticut that has gooooood food: Fairfield! We tried out Source Coffeehouse. It was really cute! It had the good coffeehouse vibes that are v important to me.
My favorite hot chocolate is still Beans and Brews in Utah, but this wasn't too bad! It just isn't as sweet as Bean's, I would say.
Sitting outside was really cute and got me PUMPED for our movie to the PNW. I switch a lot between Seattle and Portland, but right now I am on a Portland kick. I blame Portlandia.
Where we move next will probably just depend on J's job. I can get a therapy job anywhere, but there are only so many big businesses, ya know? So we'll just have to wait and see.
I am trying to remind myself to live in the present and appreciate where we are! When Tucker is sleeping, I can appreciate this stage of life. When he's hyper and peeing on the rug, I reallllllly want a house with a backyard hahahahaha.
Also the above photo is one I had J send to my grandma so she could see my haircut, but I figured I would add it here. I am bad at getting photos of myself places haha. All my photos are of like, things or J standing by things. I need to just have J take one of my after I take one of him! He actually told me he would rather take the photo than be in it, but I just feel dumb being like, "Hey take a picture of me with this hot chocolate" hahahahah.
These things are why I am not a good blogger hahaha.
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