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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

If you need to know true love, make Tasty's fruit sushi recipe

You're welcome.

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15 comments on "Frushi."
  1. oook i saw this on the little tasty videos that always pop up on facebook & had to seriously think about whether or not it would be good, haha. i loooooove sushi, and i loooooove fruit, so the thought of making fruit sushi makes complete sense, but i'm weird when it comes to mixing certain foods? (like fruit with rice) but now i want to try it since you say it's so good. so basically to sum up my comment, thanks for telling me it's good, now i'll try it haha

  2. UM WHAT?!

    I HATE sushi more than I hate the thing I hate the most in the world, which is sushi, and if that doesn't make sense it's because that's how much I hate it.

    BUT. I love rice. And fruit. I don't know about together, but I think I need to try this ASAP.

  3. This is an amazing idea! Thank you for sharing!

  4. I saw this on tasty! hahah a snack i routinely eat is a bowl of rice with fruit in it so i figured I'd def like this. but i'm too lazy to actually get the bamboo mats to make em lol. this is such a pretty picture though!

    1. LOL. We didn't have bamboo mats either, but you can use wax paper and a towel!!

  5. Okay, I'm sorry but how the freak am I just seeing this??? It looks amazing (and also so tiny and cute and adorable!)

  6. Wait this is amazing... I have to make this!!! YUMMY!!!

  7. OK so I am absolutely against 'sushi' because of my dislike of fish but.....frushi? That might be something I am willing to try, just not sure about the fruit/rice combo but hey it can't be all that bad!

    1. Haha it's sweet rice so it's pretty good. Basically like mango sticky rice :)

  8. Ok by why does the word frushi make me so happy?
