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soul flower

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Hi! This is my newest item from Soul Flower.
I absolutely love it! I've been wearing allllllll the time. Just ask Jake!

I love it because it's eco friendly, has a Buddha stencil, is baggy, and says "kindness is my religion" all over it. I LOVE IT. 

It's a yoga top, so I needa get my yoga butt in gear! I find it hard to follow videos, because I feel like it almost ruins the ambiance. I have a yoga book that my mom gave me for Christmas some time ago. I really like it, except the figures are stick figures ha ha. so sometimes it's hard to tell what goes where. But, when I get cute clothes like this it doesn't matter! 

Namaste every day!

Also, I highly recommend the documentary Half the Sky. It's on Netflix and it's literally amazing.

Also, it's been snowing and it's been such a lovely experience.
I am literally yelling that all the time.
Well, not really, but in my head.

Happy Wednesday!

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P.S. FOREVER THANKS TO BAYLI SHELTON PHOTOGRAPHY. I give her fullllll credit for my ability to take these photos.
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