Guys! I had my first day of school on Wednesday! I wish I could say it's my last first day of school, but alas. Only second to last. Anyway, the night before I looked up the train schedule and saw it was leaving at 7:09. So, J and I hopped in the car and got to the train station at 7:05. There was a train there with the doors closing. I was like, "What train is that?? No way it's the 7:09." We decided it was probably a local bound train. But no. YOU GUYS. It was MY TRAIN! Like what kind of public transportation comes EARLY? I mean if you are a train that's early, sit there for five minutes for heaven's sake!! So, I got on a later train. I have slight social anxiety with some things, and the thought of walking in late to my first class on the first day was like NO THANKS. So I kept debating whether or not I should go. I finally decided to just be an adult and do it, so I got on the next train. It was a really pretty ride with all the fog.

Ok, so then I got there and I was about 30 minutes late. The whole class is 2 hours, so I figured I could still get a lot if I went in. IT WAS SO HARD. But literally I just kept going thinking "What's the worst that can happen?" Well, I walked in the class and the only seat was in the front. When I sat down the professor asked me what my name was and then asked if I was ok hahahaha. I was like, "Yeah my train was just late." But like, why you gotta ask if I am ok bro? People are just late sometimes!! Ughhhhh.

It was nice to be back in the city! New York is the prettiest city I kidddddddd you not. I hate living there but LOVE being able to train in. I haven't spent the fall there yet, and I'm excited to explore this year!

As is typical for my life, I missed the train by THREE MINUTES. so I got home about 20 minutes later than I would have otherwise. SMH. But I gotta tell ya, living closer to the city than last year is so nice! I get home at 8:00 instead of 10:00! Moving FTW.
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