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Pizza Park! Not as good as Juliana's, but pretty good for a quick bite. This was the vodka sauce, yummmm. |
As much as I love scheduling blog posts, I miss the diary-type feel that came from writing blog posts the day of, so I'm going to try to get back to that. I think I'll just preschedule the photos, but then actually write the post every day.
When did blogging turn into a laundry list of things I've done instead of how I'm actually feeling? Lulz.
Life updates on here for me are tricky. There are a lot more people reading this now than when I started, and I always get a little scared I'll offend someone. #livinginfear. But whatever, if you want to know if something is about you just ask.
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I have been at my job for a month now, and today was the first day I didn't do something wrong. So yay! I am loving it. It's a desk job and I love desk jobs. I have 2 apples for breakfast every morning. I tried out a "mono meal" which is basically where you eat like 6-7 fruit or veggies, but I couldn't do it. I think my limit is 3 apples lol. I have a Perfect Bar for lunch every day. I am obsessed with them because I feel like they are actually healthy.
Ever since moving to New York I feel like my eating habits have shifted and I'm not sure why. In Utah we lived with my mom, so we kind of just ate what was there. It's been interesting to see our pantry grow here. I feel like I've been eating way less sugar, because I just don't buy it. I used to have to have some chocolately every day, and now I can go like a day or two without chocolate.
I guess no one really cares about other people's eating habits. And also it's a sensitive subject. Like I garauntee you right now you're thinking "This girl eats 2 apples for breakfast and a nutrition bar for lunch what a freak!!!" But that's just how I roll.
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Like literally I got this shirt that is so cute but also SO tight on my boobs. I feel like I can't wear it outside the house, but I want to so badly. I wore it without a bra and it was so tight it like held my boobs up lulz. It has a hamburger on it. I'll probably post about it on Instagram soon so stay tuned.
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Speaking of Instagram, I've been having a bit of an identity crisis. I know Instagram themes are dumb and if you do them you care too much about social media, but for me my Instagram theme is my only "art project". I think it's such a challenge to take photos that all blend well together, and I love it. I started getting bored with the white, bright theme so I switched to something more film-y. But then I realized I just don't feel like I am ever satisfied with my film editing. At least with my clean editing I can walk away being like, "Oh that looks great." But with film I just always feel like it isn't good enough.
So what I decided to do was just go back to the white, clean, bright, colorful theme because that's my style anyway. I just want to post more pictures of myself, which sounds narcissistic but whatever. Like sure people care about a flat lay but how much? Like I feel like the greatest thing about social media is being able to feel connected to real people. I enjoy photos of actual people way more than their breakfast, so I want to try to be like that on my own.
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Was this enough personal talk for you? Lol. I'm a little rusty on just sitting down at this keyboard and writing whatever comes to mind, but it's a good practice to get into and I want to get that skill back. I'm planning on writing a book one day. An autobiography like Mindy Khaling, Tina Fey, etc. It's mainly for myself, because I remember these things that happened a long time ago and then forget for a few years, and then remember, and then forget, etc. I guess I just like the idea of having something concrete with all my memories in it, in case I one day can only remember my childhood memories by reading about them. So over the past few years I've kept a notebook and written down the little memories as they come back to me. I don't know when I'll be ready to put it in a book, but hopefully one day.
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Anyway, I'm off to get swole (apply fake tan and ab workouts LOLZ) so I'll let you babies rest your eyes.
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