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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Guys, I am sparing no detail in this post so just be forewarned. This past weekend was the absolute WORST! I am writing this post on Sunday. We just got back from what was supposed to be our anniversary trip aka our anniversary present, but it was so bad I told Jake point blank, "This doesn't count."

It all started on Friday. Our plan for the weekend was to stay at a 2 star motel (bad idea), rent a car through Turo and explore upper New York. We were renting out our apartment on Airbnb from Friday-Sunday.


Friday: I get off work at 5:30pm and it is POURING RAIN. There is also a tornado watch which I am terrified of. I have a 30 pound backpack that I brought with me, so I run in the pouring rain and meet Jake at Shake Shack. He has been trying to book cars on Turo, but keeps getting turned down. So we decide to get some food and decide what to do. Remember, it is POURING RAIN AND FRIDAY NIGHT. So, Shake Shack is packed and of course people are being idiots and "saving booths" before they even have their food. Other people have their trays of food and are wandering around trying to find somewhere to sit and eat. We get our food and wander around for like 5 minutes before 1 seat frees up. I sit down. I loudly complain about how people are idiots. Like, if you don't have your food yet then DON'T SAVE SEATS WHEN THERE ARE LIKE TEN PEOPLE WHO HAVE THEIR FOOD LOOKING FOR A SEAT. Meanwhile, there is a girl across from us reading who is finished with her meal. After listening to me complain for a good 3 minutes, she finally says, "Do you want my seat?!" And I was just like, "Yes, thank you so much." Hahaha. But honestly, like that chick had to go because #commonsense. 

So, we eat and Jake is wanting to book a Turo because Zipcar would cost like $400 since it's a holiday weekend. So, he's wanting to wait to see if our Turo booking gets accepted, after 2 others have been turned down. I'm just like, "No, we are booking Zipcar." Haha. (He was not happy at first but later in the trip literally said, "I'm glad you made me do this.")

The rain stops, we get to our Zipcar and have a great time driving to our motel. We get to our $66 a night motel and it is like a total dump. There is a guy in a wife beater yelling on the phone with choice words. Another shirtless guy smoking outside his door. The blanket has cigarette burns. Everything smells like weed.

This was when we were just happy to be in a car again haha.

We put our stuff down (minus our valuables) and go to the mall. We have a good time there with green smoothies and Independence Day. We get back at 1:30am and both of our neighbors are watching action movies at full volume. The walls are paper thin so we can hear EVERYTHING.

Saturday: This was a good day. We left the hotel IMMEDIATELY haha and Jake canceled our reservation for that night. We get donuts and Taco Bell and explore some fun areas. We book a nice, new hotel in Stamford, Connecticut and have a lovely dinner. We are fans of Stamford, Connecticut. We go to bed happy and in love with life.

Gypsy Donut in Nyack wasn't half bad if you're ever passing through!

Basically Stamford is super cute so that's good.

Guys these tater tots were life.

This was us just happy to be in a hotel that didn't have a mix of blood, urine, and semen everywhere. (Shout out if you remember that episode of The Office.) We used Hotel Tonight to find it and I actually really liked it. Not partnered with them or anything, just a fan hahaha. 

Sunday: We wake up and try to leave the hotel. Our car won't start. We try to jump it before calling Zipcar and hearing that our reservation ended at 10:00am. It's currently 11:00am. Zipcar tells us that they can't extend our reservation because someone has it reserved right after us. We skip breakfast and book it back to New York City. We drop off our Zipcar and I panick because we have 30 pound backpacks and can't go back to our apartment until 5:00 when our Airbnb guests check out.

We debate on whether to leave our backpacks at the church, take them with us, or bug our Airbnb guests and see if we can drop them off. (I now realize we should have just dropped them off at my friend Kayla's hotel FML.) We bug our Airbnb guests and they are cool and don't mind that we drop our backpacks off. LITTLE DID I KNOW I WAS FORGETTING MY BIRTH CONTROL AND TAMPONS. (This is where it gets TMI but I don't really care.)

We get breakfast at Starbuck's. Starbuck's is like my home away from home because there are so many of them and you can always chill there if you need to. #partneredwithStarbuck's no, I'm just kidding hahahaha. My birth control alarm goes off and I realize that I'll be 4 hours late taking it. It's no one's business what we are doing kid-wise, but it's part of the story so I'm leaving it in haha. I let out choice words and decide that there isn't much I can do about it and move on.

We try to go to The Met but think it's closed for some reason so we go to Levain instead and get cookies.

I was setting up my lighting to have Jake take a photo of me here, and this tourist looked straight at me and then pushed in front of me and stood here. Like, that is what I am talking about when I say annoying tourists haha.

This is one cookie... split in half... IT'S BEAUTIFUL.

We go to Riverside park and I'm feeling better about the day. I'm thinking we are going to take some cute pictures (we didn't get any all weekend as you can see from this post) and the day will get better. Right on cue my body decides that I'm not done with my period. (I usually am on this day so I didn't think it would matter.) If you have ever been without a tampon, in the middle of somewhere that doesn't have tampons (a park, a hike, camping, w/e) then you can feel my pain on this, right?!

Luckily, our Airbnb guests need to check out an hour early, so we get a Lyft back to our neighborhood and wait on someone's stoop for half and hour until they leave. Literally at this point I am so done I am like, trying SO hard to not cry.

We finally get back to our apartment and that's the end.

UGH. Like, I am pretty adventurous so I don't need like perfection with vacations, but like there was a lot that went wrong! The motel is a funny story, but I'm not sure if the rest of the story is ever going to be funny. Anyway, that's how I became convinced that I need a car hahaha. Having a car is ultimate freedom.

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