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These cajun fries were GOOD. And we discovered this place all on our own, so I'm prouda that. |
My and Jake's focus the past week has been to live in the moment. Where we're at right now is stressful for a variety of reasons, so it's so easy for us to get caught up in making plans for the future. Last Saturday we realized that is it just DUMB to plan anything further than a month, especially when there are so many variables. Anyway, I don't know if that makes a whole ton of sense, but basically we have been trying to not plan further than a week. I feel like it has made a huge difference! We know we'll have to deal with all these big decisions eventually, but for the next week we know we can just relax.
I have always been a mega planner (and stresser), so this has been hard for me. But sometimes if you don't stop living in the future you'll drive yourself crazy haha.
Now, onto a happy list!
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My coworker and I were sitting in our office working when the light turned off. We both turned to look at each other, and then it turned back off. I was DYING that we were so still for like an hour it thought there wasn't anyone in there ha!
Seeing our first cockroach! It's like a New York right of passage I've been waiting for.
Seeing famous actors/actresses in movies before they were famous.
Finally quitting Anthropologie because they are the worst.
The sound of the voice of the girl in the next office.
Felicity Porters facial features to hair ratio.
Not doing anything wrong at work today.
Jake's hair flip lol.
Mood AF lights.
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Here are some funny things people said this week:
We were at The Met in the pottery section and Jake said, "This stuff's kinda boring. Like bowls and stuff? Like I can get one of those at IKEA for $3."
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