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new york: day four

Sunday, May 25, 2014
Embarrassingly enough we had double breakfast on this day, because sometimes you have to do that when you are only somewhere for six days and there are so many delicious places to eat.

They were pretty good, but I think Brugee's Waffles and Frites is a tidge better. You can't beat those belgian chocolate filled waffles, yo.

Breakfast #2 was at a Build Your Own Bowl place. I got quinoa, with blueberries, mangoes, and grapes with honey drizzle. It was strangely good. I think I've finally found a good recipe for quinoa! I think I'm going to do strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries next time.

Cool totes and the scientology building. My brother went through a major obsession with Scientology and just like, researched it everyday. It was kind of cool seeing it in the flesh, haha.

Waiting for our bikes to go and bike Central Park. 

It looks so lovely doesn't it? Like, a casual ride through Central Park? Haha! Well, I should probably mention that I exercise like 0 times a week at all weeks. So, not the most athletic. Also, Central Park is huge. Also, there are lots of hills. Needless to say, I basically died. 

Luckily, we took a couple breaks and checked out ponds and stuff. So, that was good, haha. It's really nice in there. I wish we had pond parks here!

Stop #2!

Also, I feel it's worthy to note that I cried this day. Shortly after this picture was taken, in fact. Remember when I mentioned I never exercise? Yeah. Ok, well I also hate the heat. Like, my fantasy is to live in a house made of snow and have various syrup flavors that I could just like pour onto my snow furniture and make snow cones and also there would be like chocolate columns holding up my snow house that I could also eat from if I wanted.

Anyways, so basically, things weren't communicated to well and there ended up being mass confusion when there didn't need to be. That, plus the heat and exhaustion, made me meltdown. I started explaining things to fix the mass confusion, but then started crying because I was so frustrated, and then start laughing that I was crying. It was definitely a very interesting couple minutes.

So, we decided to fix the situation withs some pizza. Like all bad situations are fixed. It was super good! I feel like the Fiore Pizza Truck is my #1 favorite pizza, and this pizza was #2. DELICIOUS. 

We went to Wall Street for the Bacon and saw all the big corporations and stuff.

We took a break at the pier (is that what it's called?) and looked over to Brooklyn!

The best asparagus I've ever eaten! And probably the tiniest plate I've ever gotten, haha! I'm obsessed with the asparagus though. It was perfectly cooked and OMG. I almost can't even talk about it right now.

They had mocktails! Haha! So classy. I really want to have a mocktail party now. 
Also, I forgot my tripod and had to balance my camera on a side table, so sorry for the world's weirdest angle.

We saw Phantom that night! It was seriously sooooo good! Phantom is probably one of my favorite musicals anyways, so gosh dang. They had some cool effects too, like with the stage. I felt like it was partially a magic show, because at the end the phantom sat in a chair and covered himself with a sheet, and then someone removed the sheet and he was gone. Like, what the heck?!

Even though I cried on this day and also destroyed my thighs, it was pretty good! It's hard for small things like that to ruin a New York experience, haha! 

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2 comments on "new york: day four"
  1. Your trip sounds absolutely amazing! ...Especially the pizza and waffle part ;) I haven't exercised in a loooong time so I imagine I'm going to have a tiny meltdown when I finally convince myself to go to the gym again! Haha. It'll be interesting, for sure ;) Love alllll your photos!

  2. I've seen Phantom twice and it still isn't enough. Can't get enough of that musical!
